The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Other counties are out there. But I think one is Pima and it is mail. Which is better.

Maricipoa has been slightly Biden so far. There is another 150k that is in heavy red counties. If same pattern in late mail votes there, we could be fucked?

My math was off, I plead fatigue. It comes out to Biden by like 10-15K if that margin holds and everything else stays roughly even. Gonna be super tight though. Curious how the AP plays this here.

Man if Biden wins GA we’re going to really regret not managing to take ME-2.

Yeah, I’m cautiously optimistic. Also, it bears repeating that AZ is an insurance policy. It’s not necessary for 270. Don’t get me wrong, I want to fucking win it.

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Interesting take, but I think they have shown that the news division and the shows are two very different things, not sure this would affect how much they are yelling fraud.


I can’t do this a second night in a row. I am so utterly exhausted. But I can’t look away.

yeah by my count we’d still be up ~15k if the rest of the outstanding AZ behave like that last bunch.

I’m also an idiot with notepad and windows calculator, so don’t bank on it

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Not if 60/40 holds unless my math is wrong. +65k to Trump isn’t enough, he needed +97k

No idea if that’s the last drop until midnight eastern.

Why? GA and PA we are good?

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Fuck. Until Biden gets PA, we should still be very afraid.

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Maricopa mail in and early early was +6 Biden or something. Maricopa election day was +26 Trump. Maricopa late earlies +19 Trump so far.

Biden should still hold AZ but it’s gonna be close. The early call was bad.

Ah, I think a good part of the remaining batch is late mail. Assuming that is decently better than late early, we should be fine… I think.


WOW, MSNBC with the “we just got 75k more votes in from Maricopa and we’re going to commercial anyway bc fuck you, viewers”

Ha. I’m the least fashionable person ever. I literally haven’t put on long pants since starting working at home in March. But it is definitely noticeable when everyone else has suits on and you’ve got Kornacki rocking the brown khakis. /endpantsderail.

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Wait till Friday when he goes golfing.


Yeah a mix of late earlies and late mail is good.