The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I think it has more to do not capturing the deep rural vote. These are people that are not online and in some cases maybe don’t even have phones. They are just hard to reach.

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Rofl that’s it. Lol Biden just laughing at this child.

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There is no evidence to suggest that Alpha Zero or other neural net programs are going to kill chess.

OK, now I’m back to watching FOX. Hannity time. I don’t know how long I can hang on.


CNN is terrible. They’re giving the numbers from Maricoba county but I have no idea what they mean because they can’t report on any sort of complexity in results.

It’s just totals with no context.

Wow…I had almost forgotten how he was before he was Sleepy Joe.

This just cracks me up because of how trump talked about how locked PA was for him in his middle of the night rant. “We are up by 600,000 votes!”

AZ lead under 80K. Maricopa starting to come in.

Is it one of the hosts?

Yea the more votes than registered voters been a thing for at least a decade, comes up every time.

My one time has been played for them to call the election for Biden during Hannity. Glad to potentially share this moment with someone.

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This person claiming to know the party reg of outstanding Maricopa votes. No idea if they’re full of shit.

So Biden needs to win the remaining absentees by like 82/40 in GA to win. That actually seems… more likely than not? Right? He’s been running better than that in absentees from urban and suburban areas.

If you’re not watching Kornacki you’re doing it wrong.


Don’t at me if I’m wrong cause I’m super fucking tired but I think it’s going to get really close but Biden is going to hold AZ by a wider margin than WI and less than MI. Like 30-80K.


Using my one time here on Black people once again coming to the rescue.


Re: AZ

Yeah, I think Biden ends up with 306 electoral votes. Chefs Kiss.


Ugh Trump getting 59% of the first Maricopa vote dump. 43k to 32k-ish.