The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I’m actively hunting cyans and blue ringers around Seattle. I’m a total novice and am confident in one ID out of maybe 20 mushrooms I have brought back. Nothing active yet, but it’s starting to rain and the temps are going to drop in a few days, so feels like the cyans and stuntz should be popping soon. I’m trying to be inconspicuous, but there’s someone prowling the same territory and leaving obvious evidence of what they’re doing. I went for a walk with my daughter and stopped at an area that had wood chips on the ground under a stand of alder trees so I stopped and looked at it for a while. My daughter asked me what I was doing and I said observing my surroundings. About a second and a half later she looked down at her feet and said “OMG! I didn’t even notice this huge patch of mushrooms right here!” I didn’t see them either. I think they were sulfur caps, but I wonder what’s back in the restored area behind the split rail fence. Seems like ideal habitat for my prey, but I’d have to be super discreet about it. I’m not hitting many parks or schools, so I think I’m just not looking in the right spots for actives. But legalization in Oregon might be a double edged sword. I hope people don’t descend on the coast and mistreat the azzies.

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except Kanye currently only has about 3x in the entire US of A votes than the WI margin.

The Trump campaign still thinks they can win Arizona. I disagree, but maybe we get them a second opinion, see what this guy thinks?


Polls can tell the government and the opposition how the electorate stands on certain issues. In a rational world politicians will modify their positions accordingly. Granted this isn’t a rational world but most politicians won’t ignore polling altogether.
There is no chance Clinton or Obama change their stances on marriage equality without strong support in the polls.
Now polls on who are you going to vote for give a glimpse into the voter’s weighted sum of all the candidate’s positions. If you leave the polls to the parties many questions won’t even be asked and bad results will never see the light of day.

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This has been apparent for hours. MI isn’t going to end up being particularly close. Closest state is going to be Wisconsin.

two minutes late


We should just ban polling. It’s pointless and harmful. Stats nerds ruin everything they touch. They ruined chess, they ruined go, they ruined poker, they tried to ruin baseball but that was already boring garbage, they are currently in the process of ruining football and american football and they ruined the everloving shit out of politics. Go away nate silver.


So you want to deny abortions to rape victims?

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Prediction markets have been the nut low this cycle lol.

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Also, one more question to help catch me up. Did republicans actually make gains in the House?

Quite a few 7 or 8 I think?

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A lot of Republicans have learned a lesson. Do Trump’s bidding and R voters will reward you while Dem voters won’t punish you.

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I think there is some logic to doing so. I’m open to having democracy decide that question.

The only looming threat will be Trump himself. He could continue causing trouble for the GOP for years.

But, as an exit plan from Trump, this is about as good as it gets for the eGOP.

Dafuq? Did not see that coming.

And Eurobet, and Intertops and Classic Poker…

I was a huge bonus whore…

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We got the math!

Looks like the math is baselessly assert that the in person election day vote total will match the lingering mail in votes and show that if true, it’ll be a little more than what Trump needs to win. It’s silly, of course, to make that assumption, but that’s their math.


McCain STONE COLD gets me absolutely every time, just laughed out loud for a solid 20 seconds.



I’m not sure what’s happening in AZ, but I am pretty sure the AP was wrong to call this.

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