The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

More from Other Nate re: PA


Even with Biden winning, I still have a sense of unease and anxiety over the US.


everybody do this, it’s way less stressful than other phone banking

everybody, that is, like myself who’s not a real adult with a real job and/or real familial responsibilities


Thanks. Just saw MI is now a 2 point margin, so I could see PA going that way now. It’s just painful when it happens .1 at a time every 10-15 mins!!

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Haha, he won’t be going on Rush, that piece of shit is going to die a painful death very soon. Yay!


It’ll be interesting but I strongly disagree. Trump will influence a large group of deplorable for the foreseeable future. I honestly don’t even think the shenanigans they’re pulling now are about trying to win. It’s just setting the stage for angry deplorables to grift from for the next few years.

Probably an exaggeration on my part, but they were defiantly pushing back on her BS. I’m enjoying Fox right now. Schadenfreude is the best.


With good reason. We have ~70 million openly racist fucks.


I don’t believe this, why don’t you understand that everything is fine now? You fool.

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You think?

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With so much in, looking like Biden’s gonna fall just short.

They don’t worship him, they worship his power. And they HATE losers.

He’ll still have some nutjobs. But w/o the huge base no one will be afraid of him anymore.

I could be wrong but that’s my prediction.

This is absolutely the right move, his third vote in dissent isn’t worth the paper it will be printed on.

If Biden wins PA by 2 the polls in PA were right, and naked ballots will be the difference in the result and the polling average. Wouldn’t surprise me if the ground game in PA and MN >>>> WI and MI.

MN never stopped the ground game. MI and WI seemed pretty safe the whole way. Here in PA we had the fear of God put in us a couple weeks out and the number of volunteers skyrocketed. I think the volunteer turnout might have delivered a comfortable win in PA.


Sorry for stating the obvious. It’s just unsettling tbh.

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It’s like our abuser just came up for parole and he got denied for another 12 months. Relief for the moment but not exactly peace.


At this point, I’d rather have Perdue drop under 50% than get the EVs for Biden.


like me you’re not a real adult cuse you better get on that phone

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