The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

How is a post supposed to get 4+ likes if you don’t read every post DUCY


Behind the bars.

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His stuff for the ringer was some of the worst shit I’ve ever read. Like “fact checking” the goodfellas funny like a clown scene? Cringe.

Just cracked open a beer despite having 5 hours of work left.

I’m going to take it slow though.

I worked out beforehand so I didn’t feel as terrible about it.


It was internal information with specific context for those receiving them.

Just tossing them out in the wild is just worthless noise.

Apparently it puts all 3rd party and republicans for trump which is redonkulous. But the people getting that data knew that and knew what the data was representing. Some tweeterer not so much.

Just an aside, but guaranteed those types of thc deliverable items will eventually be banned because they are too appealing to children.


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Maybe. I have my doubts. As long as nicotine vapes remain available, THC vapes will stand alongside them. And I don’t think nicotine vapes are going anywhere within my lifetime.

God damn junior is a dumb fuck.

There is no chance he is every going to get a nomination for president. He is much dumber than his dad without any of his dad’s skills.



it’s a shame “owning the libs” is not a talent.

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He’s clearly outsourcing the labor to the poors.

in today’s GOP much dumber is a positive


That’s a slanderous term for lurkers

“Losing is never easy”.

Trump a few minutes ago


Under caution flag is ok too.



potato, potato…e?


But we were told they only employed the best people, this is obviously FAKE NEWS.

North Carolina results to be delayed after some polling locations have vote extended

North Carolina’s election results will be delayed by at least 45 minutes after the board of elections extended voting at four locations that were having problems this morning.

The State Board of Elections voted on Tuesday to extend voting at four precincts that opened late on Election Day.

The NCSBE voted 3-2 to extend a polling place in Sampson County, near Fayetteville, for 45 minutes after the precinct experienced printer issues.

The extension means that results statewide will be delayed by at least 45 minutes tonight, holding results until all polls have closed.

The board also voted 3-2 to keep a second Sampson County precinct open for 24 minutes, a Cabarrus County precinct open for 17 minutes, and a Guilford County precinct open for 34 minutes.

Any voter that shows up at theses precincts after 7:30 p.m. ET would vote a provisional ballot.


I think that’s the voice of Mike Joy. Who is still announcing NASCAR these days. So not too much flack in any case.

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