The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Even that second sentence isn’t assured. For all we know we’re getting record turnout on both sides today. We have no idea of knowing how independents are breaking and how many repubs are voting D. Actually, strike that, we do, it’s in the polls, and the polls say we’re winning, and by god, the polls are not off enough for us to lose. Everything is fine.

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Snap call.



I have always felt the trumpers destroying Election Day voting to be nonsense in most situations.

We shall see, but I am cool as a cucumber. The way the turnout differential has been portrayed in the run up defies all logic, in my opinion.

Only those inflicting it upon themselves by reacting to worthless information.

I understand this is a sweat thread, but the pendulum swinging is nauseating. I don’t know if people are calling doomsday to protect themselves from feeling worse when trump loses, or if people really believe some of this stuff is relevant.

Germany reporting in, hopefully I’ll be tired enough to sleep through most of this later. I kinda doubt it though, and also took tomorrow off.

Expecting the worst, but will be pleasantly surprised with any Biden victory.

Let’s just hope all the Vince memes didn’t jinx it. :slight_smile:



It’s always been a comparison of people who actually voted vs people who might vote. To make it even worse raw party %s were laid on top. It is complete shit data.

I don’t want to rain on people feeling like the world is coming to to end when it is not so I will TRY to refrain myself.

But can people at least go back to freaking out over semi legitimate data? (If there is any)

seeing biden election odds go up and trump florida odds go up at the same time on sportsbooks is weird

50ish more at


If he does Biden is gonna get like 100m and win by 20% and I’m gonna be drunk for the rest of the week at least.

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So Shea Serrano wrote a joke book “how to talk to Trump supporters” that somehow made $100k from random people sending him money (he gave the “book” away for free - every page said “fuck off”).

He just gave all the money to Planned Parenthood, scholarships for undocumented college students and to random people on twitter. What a hero.


That Dave catonese had a good tweet today (well retweet) to make up for his ridiculous numbers tweet.


i sometimes get tired and mute for a while, but Shea is the goat.

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I mean this is peak Jalfrezi though, he/she always accuses people who he disagrees with of being a bunch of revolving gimmick accounts of the same person.

I find Shea to be sort of annoying and his shtick not that funny but had to deny that he’s a real good dude and a net positive.

I take him seriously:

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i wouldn’t say not funny, but i can only take in moderation.

Stock market has been dipping from the early surge, still up 1.5%

Take your spat to some other thread. This is not the time or place.