The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Everyone on CNN is giddy.

Better: start setting up lots of federal agencies for climate stuff in places like MT, WY, ND, SD. The land is cheap and the agencies and their associated contractors would be the bluest blue people imaginable. You dump half a trillion dollars in funding on an agency based in a place that place changes.

I mean it worked on VA, so imagine how cheap those states would be.


Exactly, and when they say you canā€™t do that tell 'em to fuck their feelings.


Nah, Supreme Court will rule it is legal for Rs to offer $100m bribes to get at least one elector to flipā€¦ bribes are just Freeze Peach libtard

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Spite, and to deny us a functioning government that might actually help people.

Yes your math is wrong. The NE-2 call last night was a fuckign giant pickup precisely becuase it killed the tie scenario in what are now Bidenā€™s most likely pickups outside of PA.

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How could any decent human being not be?

Hell PA could be irrelevant if AZ and NV go Biden. But letā€™s run up the score.

Feeling very very good about PA. Seems like Dā€™s project to be well ahead of the split needed from the remaining vote. The people making those projections were pretty spot on for WI and MI. I actually feel better about PA than AZ atm.

Feels like weā€™re going to see Biden pull ahead in PA before we get another peep from AZ.

I donā€™t know. Thatā€™s supposed to be just 4.5 hours from now. Is Biden closing that quickly in PA?

Spite? Last night was like the best possible outcome for Mitch McConnell. Iā€™m sure heā€™s giddy. There is zero upside to denying Biden a cabinet. Like, yeah, weā€™re probably not getting SOT Elizabeth Warren, but other than thatā€¦

Hillaryā€™s like, ā€œAinā€™t that easy, bitches.ā€

I donā€™t think Biden will put up with much malarkey from Mitch once sworn in.

Yeah, this race could potentially be called today when Biden flips PA.

I called it, itā€™s over. Celebrate.


Yeah, I think Mitch super happy with this outcome. Heā€™s already loaded the courts and he can protect their lead for the next 2 years at least. He doesnā€™t have to deal with Trump (who he almost certainly hated working with). And he can go back to obstructing and blaming it on someone else.


It will be super frustrating the next 40 years when SCOTUS actively rewrites every decent law, and Dā€™s are told to pipe down because SCOTUS ā€œgaveā€ them the Presidency in 2020 because they upheld obvious victories.


One can hope, but seems unlikely. She is such a net negative for Dā€™s in terms of elections. Iā€™m sure Rā€™s would vilify her replacement, but would take them a while to do so.

We have a huge fight ahead of us guys, itā€™s not going to be over this week or next, this year or next, these four years or next. Thereā€™s still darkness in America, but we proved thereā€™s at least a little more light, a little more hope, a little more love.

Itā€™s not everything we wanted out of this election, but itā€™s a foothold out of the depths and if we keep fighting and donā€™t let up, we have a chance to keep winning in the future.


oh lol the trumper news conference is on. ā€œTheyā€™re trying to cheat us out of the electionā€. Great.