The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I assume she is the Trump voter and you are messaging your dad separately about how he can sneak out for a couple hours?


Rā€™s 100K up in FL. Closing the gap in AZ. I think Iā€™m done doomscrolling.

How the hell can you be married to someone with such opposing political views? If I told my wife that I was voting for Trump, she would start the divorce process.


Itā€™s different with boomers

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Iā€™m going to run out of likes by noon. :D


You would be equally quick to start the divorce process if she told you that she was voting for Trump?

I just want someone to jump in his open driverā€™s door and drive it off.

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Privilege. Iā€™m sure there are plenty of people out there voting for Trump mainly because they find him uncouth rather than giving a shit about kids in cages.

Yes. It would mean that the person I married was not anywhere near the person I thought she was.


This is true. In the 50s political scientists were warning there was not enough tribalism in American politics and voters couldnā€™t tell the parties apart!

Itā€™s really all up to how accurate the polling was.

And that is with half the posts by people who never post in politics.

Goofball was here yesterday that I know for sure. He was asking for maps.

I am pro goofball. F 2016.


He posted above

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Michigan? Fake robocalls?

How many prison sentences does Wohl want?

Bidenā€™s now more than a 2-1 favorite on Pinny.


I read the Nate Silver ā€œyou wonā€™t get any new information untill 7 PMā€ tweet eight minutes ago and refreshed his twitter account six times since :(


Well, at least so far it seems like things are fairly calm overall at polling places. So thatā€™s good.

Spoke to a colleague who had a solid voting experience in Alabama (canā€™t remember where, exactly). She went early, but the line was 200 people long, so she left and returned at 10:30am and it only took 15 minutes. Everyone was wearing masks.

(not that votes matter in Alabama)

I hereby petition the forum to NOT REFERENCE THE GOD DAMN NEEDLES


My thought was have someone distract him with words and someone else come steal the Trump flag (or light it on fire.)