The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Lol cuomo and wall guy freaked out when they brought up Wisconsin w new numbers.


CNN is in stunned silence right now cuz they are at the screen when it updated LMAO

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Iā€™m literally crying. Nate says that the 20k lead for Biden doesnā€™t include the 10k from Kenosha so heā€™s up 30k.



Holy fuck youā€™re right.

Right now Biden out performing Hilary in Milwaukee w 77% reporting

guys letā€™s not celebrate quite yet

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Backup wall guy, donā€™t dis John King.

There is a ton still outstanding, itā€™s absentees, itā€™s from fucking Detroit, and bidenā€™s been closing all night. MIchigan looked a lot better than Wisconsin did 20 minutes ago.

Told you that a while ago. But I still think weā€™re sweeping the blue ā€œwallā€ anyway.

Does JoJo pull more from Trump or Biden? Would be hilarious if she was the decider for Biden.

You guys better be right about this.

Iā€™ve been up 29 hours straight minus a 90 minute nap. If all this holds Iā€™m off to the foreigner bar in a bit to laugh at an international collection of deplorables and collect my fucking money.


Not the thread for this.

Fuck thatā€™s only 89% in.


ive been up 24 hours, managed to sleep from like midnight to 2:30

Yeah listen Iā€™ve been calm all night and I think weā€™re winning, but this was not a repudiation and America is still very much a nation in crisis. I believe in God personally, but letā€™s be reallll clear heā€™s not intervening in any of this. Free choice and all.

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