The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Thanks man. I know I don’t have the energy that you do to be out in the streets, so I do what I can.

We were literally calling people at 7:30 PM tonight who had not yet voted and getting them to drive to the polls and vote for Ammar. It was the best feeling when I was able to tell someone at 7:35 that no, the polls did not close at 6 PM and she still had time to go Cast her vote.


claims victory in Georgia

Also clear that we won Georgia. lol.

Yeah he is setting it up so he can claimed rigged if it goes against him.


PA impossible for D’s to catch - DJT

Seriously not a goddamn fucking mask. God I wish this election was done at the end of winter.

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lol @ myself for believing Texas flipping narrative.


still so surreal

Fucking burn it down. All aid to red states canceled.

So I’ve been isolating myself from the news all day. Is Trump going to win?

Is it over yet?

Republicans don’t understand a single thing about the world so they will undoubtedly believe this Trump diatribe.


No, he just snorted for the 2nd time though.

Low energy.

Lol winning PA by a tremendous amount. Winning Michigan… wow that’s a lot.

What a sack of shit.

I legit teared up a little.

:fist: :fist:t3: :fist:t5: :fist:t6:


Going to be the PA drawn out scenario.

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fuck this guy

It’s like if you mix Chris Farley and Rodney Dangerfield minus the humor.

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Its nov 4th, covid is over.