The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Whole fucking family is there

Uggh I must be watching on a delay. Streaming cnn

Sweet, packed room 0 masks.

If you knew that Trump would win Florida and North Carolina, what margin would you think would be necessary in OH to make it a good idea?

Jr’s wide awake


East Room and he has campaign signs. Fascist fuck.

he’s going to claim victory right

Theres a scarface sized pile of coke backstage for the whole family to tuck into

here we go


Took 20 seconds, and fuck this fucker

I can’t watch this directly or I’ll be in a blind rage for the next 8 hours. Keep me posted on what he says.

Already mentioned disenfranchising

Not a mask in the house.

oh boy…

disenfranchise? no that is what you are trying to do you project fucker

for some reason for a beat I thought he might not do this, right before something was going to keep him a bit restrained

of course, always a victim tho

donny sad he can’t party :upside_down_face:

yeah this is terrifying, and exactly what we all expected

Please name every state you won

“It’s also clear that we have won GA” “Likewise NC” god fucking damn