The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Trump will make the call and that guy is gonna be fired tomorrow

The Fox news numbers guy who called AZ said they’re close to calling GA for Trump but there’s still some questions. Not talking like it’s a blue leading needle. Thinks that Biden is a favorite in WI.

edit: lol his phone is not muted and going apeshit when he’s talking on air.

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Kill all the pollsters


Nate -

" A lot of states have been called on some networks and not on others. If you plug in all the states where any network has called the state for Biden or Trump, it shows Biden at 88 percent to win the Electoral College, Trump at 6 percent, and a 6 percent chance of a tie. But that depends on Biden winning Arizona and Minnesota, which ABC News hasn’t projected yet.’

What’s worse for the country, a tie or a trump win?

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I just saw that and I can’t resist

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Those fucking GA ballots better be guarded all night


Someone help me figure out VA-7 please. It’s Abigail Spanberger’s district, extreme moderate former CIA Democrat in the Richmond suburbs, pulled off a win in 2018 as a slight underdog, favored in 538’s pre-election forecast this year at 79%. Currently losing 60-40 with 99% reporting, although as far as I can tell no one’s called the race yet? Does 99% reporting mean not even close to 99% and lots of D ballots outstanding? Also 60-40 would be such a massive polling miss I feel like that can’t be anywhere near the final tally.

Fox News election nerd was pretty convincing defending the AZ call.

“4 standard deviations from being wrong and we are not wrong”


No, but Biden might win.

NY times finally called florida

Brian Kemp will factor in this somehow I can just feel it.

Nate needled you guys really good huh.


AFAICT VA reporting is massively favoring e-day in-person votes so this may reflect that

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Might be the ~6 drinks but @tabbaker for MVP of this thread

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NYT says only 48% reported.

Wtf at Trump winning Ohio by 9? Is that real or will it narrow?

Biden is SHOOK

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He seems fine?

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i feel like we had a momentum there and it’s fading. where the momentum at

Biden calling for peace basically.