The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Susan Collins is going to win by 10 points. Way to go pollsters, only missed it by 12 points!

Nuke polling forever.


From what weā€™ve heard, Biden being down 15 pts or less in PA at the end of the night would be a positive result.


Fox News election guy doubling down on AZ going blue.

Brit Hume looking downright offended at this guy spewing commie propaganda about AZ going to comrade Joseph.


these good times are killing me


The left image on the left side of my tv says yes, but the exact same overlapping image slightly to the right of it says no

Thereā€™s still something wrong with the numbers though.

Did we all seriously decide to believe Fox News just then? What the hell, man.

question: Is Jon Ossoff a fighter pilot?


What are Bidenā€™s odds right now?

Canā€™t the goddamn pollsters be off 10 points in our favor for once?

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+125 vig free

Edit: ponied by correct answer above.

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the fuck is going on with PA?

WTF is Pittsburgh doing?

Claire McCaskell sounds confident.

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This is Grand Rapids, a pretty conservative area of Michigan but a fairly big city.


Yeah am I missing something ā€¦ seems like Penn is 0 chance looking at counties left to vote though I am confused as to how they factor mail in voting to estimated count % for each county. If not at all then Penn is live.

Donā€™t give up on the Maine seat yet. Weā€™re down 51-42 with like 70-80% of the vote in BUT itā€™s ranked choice, and Lisa Savage has 4.6% - we should pick up most of that on the second ballot. So itā€™s like 51-46.

Without knowing where the vote is outstanding, Iā€™m not giving up yet. Not saying weā€™re going to win or anything, but I donā€™t know enough to write it off without knowing where the vote is outstanding.


What executive orders does Biden sign on his first day in office?

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