The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I mean to be winning during the first day with most of the mail in ballots being blue is pretty good

I just look at county level data and compare to the 2016 county level, adjust for how it will change based on whether the current reporting is in person or absentee. I think other than Kornacki, everybody on TV is useless with this stuff.

Lol what were these fucking moron pollsters doing all year


Can people refrain from talking about states we lost until they are actually called. I’m following this thread for updates and cant tell what is real or what is just a prediction.


Once again I want to say how the fuck am I the most calm person here? Is it cause I’m the only one sober? Am I just a moron?

I do tend to be more calm/logical when I have money on the line.


Recording shitty podcasts and being smug assholes?

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Ok, the reason NC is close is very little election day vote is in, mostly early and mail so far.

did not see this coming!

I’m calm too but I’ve been away for 45 min

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These results don’t make sense at any level. Like are the states just flipping coins here or what.


I’m watching OANN


That sucks. Sounds like Trump needs to win in NC by 230k out of 1.8M remaining.

I feel like we’re all watching different things. You guys are saying NC is done and CNN tells me Biden is up like 6%.

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You have ice in your veins when the money is on the table.

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you are a moron at this point, and i like you a lot


It’s just different samples of % early votes.

A good lot of you are overreacting


It’s all over the place because of the voting methods being different, and IMO it’s fucking up the models and the needles are utterly worthless.

It’s because you’re tired.

Don’t listen to cable news