Texas power outages and Ted Cruz travel agency

If we’re going to say a senator doesn’t have the ability to convince the owners of empty buildings that have power to take in people out in the cold, then we might as well not have senators.


If they were remotely serious about governing they could mobilize immense resources to help people. They simply don’t give a shit about other human beings.


Can we build a quick wall while Cruz is out of the country and not let him in? Then, if he sneaks across the border anyways, can we pretend not to recognize him and separate him from his child?

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If the Cancun story was false, would they come out and deny it, or let it get even more traction for an even bigger ownage of the libs later?


And from the replies


Ted Cruz going to give Mexico an intestinal bug.


Look, how is he supposed to make phone calls and work for the people without any power? They have POWER in CANCUN! Think, people!


I am totally not thinking about how hitmen are cheaper in Mexico. Totally not thinking that.


kinda surprised they haven’t tried blaming antifa for this disaster yet


Or just catch the next plane back, act like you never left, still own the libs because facts don’t matter. If he pops back up in TX sometimes tomorrow i think thats what happened.

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I mean blaming it on AOC/Green New deal when conservatives have had full control over TX for like 100+ years is even crazier than saying it was some Antifa attack on the grid. The latter is way more plausible to sell.


Texas was a Democrat state that had basically never elected a Republican until the late 80’s early 90’s. Obviously those Democrats were the same people as today’s Republicans though.

Yeah, I revert back to conservative/liberal when we go back in time enough that party switching occurs.

Second picture of him. I mean the haircut is right, but the face looks wrong no? Is this 100% him? Mask + Glasses throwing me off, but how many people can have that fucked up haircut.

Yeah the haircut says it’s him to me. Same shitty beard too. I think it’s 90% him.

Also, that doughy physique and flop sweat glistening skin. It’s him. fo sho.

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OK I clearly have too much time on my hands. Here’s a picture of Cruz (at the inauguration I think?) wearing that mask. It says “come and take it”. It’s him, or a Ted Cruz impersonator, and who would do that.


This picture has been circulating Twitter:



Oh my.



Isn’t almost every state like that (i.e. very different from what they were 40-60 years ago)?

Fun question:
How many Democratic senators has Vermont elected in its history?

1. Unless Bernie counts for a second.