In high school (Houston), we got a week off from school because the weather was freezing. I don’t think there was even any snow, just the risk that there might be ice on some roads was enough to have no school for a week.
I’m out of town for work, but luckily my apartment hasn’t lost power. Unfortunately, the not as nice apartments across the street have been without power basically since Monday, so we’re letting friends from that complex stay at our place. This is anecdotal and all but it seems like the blackouts are universally affecting poorer people.
Pretty disgusting that conservative media is blaming renewables in a state that’s been under conservative control for decades. People are so fucking brainwashed. Let’s not blame the owners and decision makers for our problems, let’s blame east coast libs.
+1000. nobody should be happy about this regardless of red or blue state. hundreds or thousands of people will die because of this. these gifs should be reserved for things like Rush Limbaugh dying.
It’s too on the nose to be some sort of coincidence. Like it’d be one thing if they were cycling through everyone, but they’re not, it’s just the same people losing power over and over.
That’s the personification of what’s wrong with this country.
The snowplow driver, while on the AR side, plowed the road. At some point, he had to turn around and come back. He then lifts the plow and is now driving at risk to hit others.
Maybe it’s because I’m in the middle of this winter storm too with rolling blackouts and public water mains bursting all over OKC, but this shit really isn’t funny. A lot of poor people are suffering and dying because of the incompetence of red state governments. Probably save the tap dancing for Rush Limbaugh’s grave.