Texas power outages and Ted Cruz travel agency

My San Antonio power log:

2am Mon - 7pm Mon: 4 inches of snow. Rolling outages, about 50% live time, from 15 minutes each down to 3 minutes each by the end.

7pm Mon - noon Tues: No power. House temp bottoms out at 44F.

Noon-5:30 Tues: Power on. Hot showers and baking!

5:30 Tues - 9am Wednesday: No power. Warmer outsude, so house temp bottoms at 53.

9am - present: Power on. But 50% chance of snow tonight.

Fortunately my wife is a bit of a prepper, so we have a HUGE woodpile and have been cooking meals in the fireplace. And our water has been unaffected. We’re calling it “involuntary camping.”




This is why deregulation of requisite services is absurd.

Sounds like Harvard is the Penn of universities.

They get to cut all sorts of costs associated with providing electrical service when it is absolutely necessary because that might not even happen and even if it died the consumer has no recourse. Texas Deregulation was always about “free money” and never about efficient markets and tough choices.

Any “expert” pontificating on this and saying it is anything but a total failure is a fraud, a clown or a wardrobe.

That’s a lot of water inside. If there’s that much condensation they would be better off getting some ventilation and lowering the humidity even if the temp drops. Ask anyone who lives in a van.

Maybe it’s that the rooms are heated and the hallway isn’t. Warm moist air escaping the rooms and condensing on cold surfaces in the hall, in which case the photographer wasn’t really freezing.

Mayor of Colorado City, Texas:


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I’ve noticed that “don’t be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution” kind of people tend to be a net drain on society, ironically.


It’s always projection so yeah. They’re usually mad that you pointed out that they’re the problem.

I’m going to have to do a write up of this ridiculous shit show later.

Currently I have intermittent power and no water. They’re saying the water is out through Friday, so that’s a problem that needs solving. I’ve already got a bath tub full of snow slowly melting lol.


I recall someone has been trying to tell me to move to texas :thinking:

That sounds horrible dude good luck.

LOL yeah… not going to lie I hadn’t considered what would happen if this place had an actual honest to god winter.

They don’t even know what road salt is.

I didn’t even know certain parts of texas being affected right now even experienced real winters, ever. Like the austin area.

They don’t. The coldest day of the year is generally in the 30’s or something. This is like a week straight of temps 20 degrees below anything they remotely had a plan for + significant amounts of snow/ice.

I feel the need to point out that probably 90% of his constituents felt exactly the same way about government until something affected them personally. Also while it seems like there are multiple lessons to be learned from this fiasco, I’m sure the takeaway will be “wind power bad” or some other nonsense.

I’ll be honest: I have a hard time feeling bad for people knowing that they did a lot of this to themselves. That said, between here and real life I know a ton of people who actually live in Texas that I like so I can’t wish ill on others knowing that it will affect people that I care about.

Not that we don’t know what it is. It’s just not practical to keep and implement when it is an issue so infrequently. We are talking about maybe, one day of ice a year on average but can have years with none and normally never more than say three.

It’s actually much safer to shut everything down than to have people here trying to drive on ice once every two years.

I’m actually surprised by how few Republicans I’ve seen use this opportunity to take their climate change victory lap that’s so common any time weather dips below normal averages.


I figured the ice was from burst water pipes on the floor above the hallway but if its just from condensation that is wild.

In the winter I have to run the humidity in our house around 25% and sometimes even lower than that if it’s really cold compared to 40-60% during the summer.

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A big problem is people don’t understand how taxes work. They just think it’s the government stealing your money. They don’t understand their taxes support the infrastructure so they can live productive lives.

You really want to rile up a boomer? Tell them Dwight D Eisenhower is a socialist for creating the US Interstate Highway System.


I have lived in D/FW for forty years. It has never been close to this cold for this long since I have lived here. Just been a string of some of the coldest individual days in decades and decades.

Yesterday morning I woke up and looked at my watch it was 1 degree. As you noted when it gets cold here, really cold, it’s the low thirties, and that almost never lasts more than a day or two. In fact you could have a 30 degree day sandwiched between sixty degree days some times. And that if Not sure it has been over 20 at any point in last five days, which just doesn’t ever happen here.

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This has the potential for massive home equity loss. Does Texas homeowners insurance typically cover losses attributable to cold weather damage caused by psychopathic right-wing policy?

@Rivaldo needs to get down to Texas and start laying pipe asap.