Texas power outages and Ted Cruz travel agency

She’s been dead for over a decade. Has he no decency?


Daaad, let’s go to a different country to improve our living conditions!

That video humanized him for me for a second

Me too. For as long as it took to realize he’s not going to change.

I take great joy that this unforced error will erase any chance he ever had of being the POTUS. He’s so unlikable that it was probably less than 5% to begin with. But this ices it.


I remember someone here asserting that Trump’s 2020 equity went up 10% because Maddow overhyped some tax returns she got in 2018. No one outside of Texas is going to care in a month. Even among libs, there are many better things to hate him for.


Abolish the Senate


What does Cruz have to do with Trump? Dude is hugely unlikable as it is. All I’m saying is his ROI went from less than 5% to 0%. If there was anyone that should have been on his best behavior, it was Cruz. Especially since he wants to be POTUS.

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It was 0% after Trump destroyed him in a debate in 2016.

Meanwhile, if Cruz had just sent his family to Cancun and HE stayed behind because it was his duty, this all would have been a huge nothingburger. Just lol.

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How you can post this with a straight face after trump? Unreal.

Care to bet?

On fox news website the first mention of the Ted story is number 21, down the page, on the third block of stories, in small icon and print, and it is about him being on Hannity to talk about the story.

Lol to the people saying he will face any consequences.

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This story will move the needle exactly 0% for Cruz’s 2024 chances.

That said, they weren’t that good to begin with.

It will help him. The main takeaway for the right will be “libtards are attacking him. Time to rally behind him”.

A smart play for Flyin’ Ted would be to resign, then go on a four year Grievance Tour about how he was the victim of Liberal Cancel Culture Run Amok and that Only He Can Save Conservatives. This is his big opportunity to be President, if he plays his cards right.


Amazing this is this can be read a tongue-in-cheek or a legitimately brilliant play.

Simply say he was in cancun to negotiate payment for the wall.


Don’t really think this is right either. It really won’t move the needle at all, because it will simply be forgotten.

In like 2023, someone will bring this up and others will be like “oh yeah, I had completely forgotten about that”.

So I’ve got an educated opinion (as opposed to my usual hot takes) about how this disaster has been handled.

The Texas GOP scored a pretty good sized own goal when they pointed fingers at Democrats and Green power for this disaster. It was a pretty big own goal because trying to blame someone else when something like this happens never ever looks good. Even if you succeed in attaching some of the blame to the person you’re pointing at it makes it much harder to come out of the situation looking good yourself.

I want to be clear here that I see the subject here as ‘how to tell people bad shit is happening to them and why’, something that I’ve done professionally like 8 times this week alone and probably 1000+ times in my current role.

The correct way to handle this was to say plainly ‘we had no idea it could snow like this here’ followed by ‘of course we didn’t winterize the power plants lol… this is Texas. Can you imagine how it would have looked if we spent 10M 5 years ago on winterizing these plants? 10 million dollars (probably not even enough to make the difference here) would have been a scandal and it would have sounded like graft and or waste. Just imagine the optics of spending 10M on winterizing power plants in Texas a place where something like this was supposed to never happen. So here we are totally sucker punched with absolutely no idea what we’re doing. We never planned for this in any way, never prepared for it in any way, and I don’t think we’re alone in being taken completely by surprise by this.’

That sounds honest because it is, and your constituents will understand because they didn’t think it was possible either. Then put your head down and do nothing but work towards minimizing the suffering of the people in your state. You’ll get reelected comfortably.

But no instead they do the always terrible choice… which is trying to claim someone else fucked up and that’s why this is happening. Nobody wants to hear that when they are huddled in the dark slowly freezing to death without the ability to so much as shit easily.

What’s even worse about this is that when something this bad happens to people they are genuinely interested in why it happened. This means it’s the worst possible time to lie about anything. Lying is for stuff that people don’t care enough about to check. This is not that, lots of people took meaningful damage.