Technical Problems


I helped goreo on some of that stuff. You can leave but removing your shit is childish. That’s like quitting a job and running rm -fr and setting the site to 301 redirect to lemon party.

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Vince sucked. I’d almost trade no sidebar for no Vince.

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If you’re not following what’s happening, then you could at least respect goatoreo enough to stfu until you’re caught up.


There is not a single situation at any job I’ve ever had that would make me sabotage the site I was working on. Not one. I don’t believe in revenge.

You guys get way too caught up in this drama and start acting like toddlers on this site, when I know you don’t do that IRL.


That’s a very childish response. You have strong opinions about a lot of stuff you admit to knowing nothing about.

Go tell any normie in your life how important this forum drama is to you and try to get their take on the current situation. Give them the whole backstory and current issues leading up to this situation. Make sure to include the Great C-Word Meltdown.

Ask the normie if anyone involved in the Great UP Nuclear Blowup of July 1, 2022, a day that will live in infamy, is being childish or overly dramatic.

I’ll wait.

Please don’t fight with each other. Any issue with goreo is my fault and I take full blame for that

I’ve been posting with people here for 18 years now. I consider people here friends, have meant several IRL, have made tons of money in poker and crypto directly as a result of things I have learned from people here. I have stories and jokes from here that I will remember for the rest of my life.

Don’t try to demean what these people and this place means to me.

I’m not embarrassed to tell anyone in my life how I spend my time. I stand up for my friends like greg and you can fuck off if that’s a joke to you.


Same here, please direct anger at me, not Suzzer.

I do still blame Suzzer for not getting pics of the PCH highway girls

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I will demean having a meltdown because you can’t say the C-word all day long. Sorry, there’s some things that are just black and white. Freaking out because you think the C-word is some kind of cultural heritage is just being childish.

jman and jal insta-fighting whenever they get near each other is also ridiculously childish.

I’ve always gotten along with goreo. But sabotaging the site is also by definition childish.

Yeah the ones that turned out to be in high school. Thank god I never got pics.


You OK man? This post has nothing to do with our discussion.

It has everything to do with the root of these issues. There’s a Brit faction that has wanted to burn this site down ever since they couldn’t use the C-word.

I commented that sabotaging the site is childish, which you had to come leaping to defense of. How is that not related to the discussion?

greg is on a work strike because he can’t say ■■■■ ?

I’m not even sure what we’re arguing about. You admit to not reading any of this stuff so then stfu about it is all I’m saying.

If I see two drunk naked dudes throwing feces at each other in the street. I really don’t need to know what led up to the dispute.

I’m done.