Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Everything way up today. Cards I bought yesterday up 25%, cards bought last week up 100%. Of course that also means I left tons of money on the table from everything I sold last week.

Bought a Josh Green for 15 yesterday, listed at 28 for the luls. Sold this morning, 28 now the lowest ask :joy:



so does everybody agree the cool cats market will drop in 12 days when this challenge ends?

cool cats cards will plummet after this challenge is over in 12 days
  • ya obv
  • no way hodlgang diamond hands
  • lol blockchain

0 voters

It will drop some but not completely. There is a master challenge for a LaMelo Ball (only the 2nd moment of his to be released) that you need to own every cool cat for.

Also, as more new people come on board, they will have to buy from the marketplace if they want to try to complete challenges.

There is no reason to hold any of the common cards needed for cool cats challenge beyond the end of this challenge. Likely earlier you can sell those the better.

There’s nothing that stops them from making COOL CATS SUPER ULTRA CHALLENGE that requires you to have all the cards from the first two challenges including the rewards, right? Marketplace fees are $$$ for them so the more challenges the better I suspect for their business model.

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Wiseman up to almost 800. Wow.

Just got 44 for another Josh Green. Josh Green go brrrr

LaMelo is almost 2k. Tyrese Halliburton nearing 1k. All the rookies are LE out of 4000.

There will be a master CC challenge for a LaMelo that will require every CC card in the set. The issue though is that the bottleneck for the Master challenge will be the Luka which has under 3,500 cards. So the current CC cards with 10,000 outstanding should not be hard to find to complete that challenge.

If you look at prior CC challenge, the cards dropped about $100 each after the Luka challenge ended. The Luka has skyrocketed (from $800 to $3k), but the other CC’s have only slightly recovered.

Killian Hayes up over $200, I sold at $90 24 hours ago.

Marketplace appears to be adjusting to value stars, rookies, and limited editions.


WTF Luka assist going for 50 and Zion dunk for 30? I need to unload as soon as marketplace opens back up lol. This shit is unreal


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Those cards aren’t even limited print lol, they’re out of 15000+, that means supply isn’t even capped right? Circulating count may change haha. They can just print 10k Zions if they wanted. I can understand the argument for diamond hands on the limited print ones. I’m assuming (hoping) there is some sort of smart contract that locks them out of printing more of the LE cards.

I have the same luka card. Makes me wonder if i should sell also.

Yes, if it shows 15,000 CC it means there is no limit how many can be printed.

Assuming they don’t issue new cards, they’re going to blow by the 15,000 number. For instance, right now 13,000 Zion’s have been printed. 3,266 were added in the last CC drop alone. So with interest only increasing, it’s only going to take a few more drops for them to break through the 15,000 cap. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next common pack drop is 50,000 or even 100,000.

I’ve been selling all my 15,000 cc cards and buying LE. Of course, everything could keep blowing up for a while as it seems like demand is skyrocketing today, and who knows when the next drop will be.

I asked this a couple of times just now on the Discord and didn’t get a good answer (not a surprise), maybe their reddit or something would be better, but maybe someone here knows the answer –

What keeps them from printing more LE cards? If it says a card is out of 7500 and it is LE, how are they locked from printing the 7501st card? I’m hoping it is a smart contract because otherwise if some intern can press a button and print more LE cards this shit is going to collapse HARD

edit: not sure this fully answers your question, as to what stops them from just printing more. I guess it’s likely the same thing that stops a physical card company from just printing more cards of an old set.

I sold that card for $36 yesterday which is the lowest ask right now. Collectibles 101 is that when the dust settles, what you need to hold is the rare shit. People driving the price up on Luka commons won’t last so you’d basically be trying to time the market for tens of additional dollars.