Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

lol - the $80 sold so now the lowest ask is $160. I’m having trouble finding the historical sales list, but I’ve seen it before.

EDIT: Hmm, I found a link to historical sales for a different card, but not this one.

theres a wall cool cats for 50 that I’d gamble on being more later sigh

Lowest asks for my pack are


No idea what they’re selling for.

Click “xxx available for sale”, then scroll to the bottom of that page.

Thanks. Got it.

No idea if I should just list them now or wait. This whole thing is so weird.

luka is definitely a 33 card at the least

Sick. Will probably make more off this pack than I make off NBA dfs+bets this month :frowning:

Someone just sold their Wall for $20, I’m assuming they forgot a 0.


Cool Cat and I have no idea. The only cards I’ve sold before are regular commons for $5 each. I have the Will Barton that’s at like $30, too. The rest of mine are trash.

I remember buying packs of baseball cards for 35 cents with 15 cards and a stick of gum.

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hopefully that guy can cancel his listing before it all resumes.

btw there’s a bug where some listings you can’t cancel, I have one card that it did that on. Sure glad they’re doing things other than fixing important bugs.

you can’t buy right now

Yes, it shows top 3 and then 12 most recent sales.

Looks like there are people buying right now?

not without more detail, but you can really work a lot of fuckin magic with cURL.

from Imgflip Meme Generator


I get you can’t we are under maintainance message but you might be right that some people can

Some of these prices are too low imo but you get that with people dumping

luka fell to $13, that is absurd they went for 35 earlier today it’ll go back up

seriously if I could, I’d snap buy that

Lol someone put up a Randle #16 for $30

luka got listed for $10

the buy pack to instantly dump crowd is massive on here

looks like you can all buy now at least