Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

got a 2nd one it said 24 left when i got it. but i guess some people are still on their 15 minutes

If I get under Bacon i will lose my mind


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the $9 common packs are only 3 cards

you just wanted the cards dude

i bought the pack and it’s still not there. i think they are minting new Dwayne Bacon cards just for me

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Yes, but not sure 3100 is going to get a premium. 3000 would.

It’s also a bit random, for instance #69 at times goes for a big premium, but not always.

You can list for a premium and see if someone bites. You see that often with good serial numbers - they are all listed for premiums, but rarely sell.

i’ll trade an alec burks for it

Yeah the Wiseman pull is the best RIO this thread has had and this thread has collectively now spent probably close to 10k on this

My first Steph


That seems like a solid pack.

it will make money but like you ruined the curve for all of us


As someone who has literally storage tubs full of 1988-1994 baseball cards in the garage that are worthless I have to say watching the gifs play was more fun than opening a pack.

So is that it for tonight?

@JonnyA tag me if/when you’re able to upload cards to the marketplace please.

Will do, but likely going to bed shortly, as didn’t get anything worth flipping.

With all of those Bacons you could put together a pretty solid meal with an OJ Mayo and some Channing Fryes.


bacon had 20 and I have two bacons and one steph this is spooky

clearly you are not a Darvin Ham fan.

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i don’t get why people say you’re their favorite poster.