Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Purchased in 35s by w33zy1

Old plan was to sell cc day before the challenge ends. New plan was to buy all the cc cards, collect the AD reward card, and sell when they announce some larger cc collector prize

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But now that you’ve said that what’s the new new plan

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New New plan is to buy the dip

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almost fell for that rozier

People are really going to dump the CC cards Monday night, I’d avoid doing it around when they are, last time for CC prices were in free fall then rebounded well.


wtf is going on there’s like 10 shit tier sub $20 moments up 10 or more including bismack and bojan, while mid tier is stagnant-ish

if we get a challenge of all of those shitty commons that went up today lol at all of us putting money into a site of nothing but bots and insider trading for dapper balance which may not be real money

sadly, that’s the only thing that makes sense with that movement so tomorrow man

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i will pay 100 bucks a month for a site identical to rayvin but without hassan whiteside cards.


Most sell offs have looked dumb a day later tbf. We will definitely get an exception soon.

sure rayvin, 11k for a common durant sounds like a great deal.

I like how yesterday I decided I was done with the shit tier, had a modest flip on a 5xx booker and put in a chunk of balance on trae 4xx and now I’m stuck, can’t do anything. I have 90 in acct but these prices, yeah wtf.

Also jamal murray is pumping up, basically even with trae atm

LOL bojan at 35, put jlawok.gif on the blockchain

a bunch of the shit tier has doubled when the stars have gone down in price

makes total sense

in other words congrats on the next challenge you’ll need horford, biyombo, ibaka, kleber, theis, jonas, thanasis, bojan (35 LMAO), zubac (37!), birch, wiggins

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Saw moments sell for less than marketplace value on eBay for the first time tonight.

That’s the way it should work (until you can withdraw at least), and the premium sellers were getting on eBay never made sense, but it is still something new.

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And while the market tanks, an unopened cool cats pack just sold for $1,901.

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Yeah, it’s decent, but probably takes some time to flip.

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How is Zubac going for $38. wtf is going on?

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either the entire community has gone insane or significant insider trading

we’ll know soon I guess

some rumor out there of some type of international thing quickly scanning discord

explains most of it

Even if he is in the next CC challenge, $38 seems high. TJ is going for less than that right now.

TJ went up to 70 for most of the challenge window