Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles


@Lawnmower_Man might appreciate this joke


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Is that bar how many are sold so far? It’s only like 18% filled so far

6k are left

I’m too old and out of touch to get it.

Go to the page on a different tab and it shows 5922 left just now.

you’re not getting one if you have any hope

that’s the bachelor guy whose “wife” won the milly maker and draftkings confiscated the winning.

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Oh yeah I knew about that but couldn’t name or identify them.

So our aces were cracked, rigged


So one thing that seems very clear from reading their release and also that thread I posted last night is that not only will they ban “bots” gaming the pack drops, they’ll also ban accounts that are gifted moments from those accounts. Not sure what meets the Dapper definition of a bot though, which is why I think gifting should be turned off at least for accounts with no KYC verification across the board.


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why do you think it will be higher with 900 new cards?

@anon3530961 Do you have a link to the list of all of the stuff in this drop? I can’t seem to locate it quickly.

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Maybe. We have better data than just “not packs” though so I’ll run a simulation later to see if it tells the same story.

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With every drop the odds of getting one from a pack decreases and more and more people will have FOMO

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more and more wives and kids and dogs and cousins and aunts and uncles aren’t gonna have fomo


only need 125k people to fuck up their payment and I’ll get one.