Take Me Out To The Blockchain - Digital Sports Collectibles

Yeah this morning there were deals everywhere in mid tier type cards (I’m looking at ones $80-300) now it’s a wasteland, guess everyone is holding or the more casual people who make listing mistakes don’t realize the market is back up

Ok srs post time:

I scoured the site and saw that 5% but thought it only applied to buying PAX for the 13.50$ or whatever it is and I didn’t see anything about specific trading fees.

You’re saying it’s 5% on each side of a trade too? So we have to scalp at least 10% front and back to profit?

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5% for the seller, buyers don’t pay a fee if you buy with dapper balance. If you buy with a CC you get charged a fee

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currently it is
5% fee to deposit money
5% fee on selling the card
$25 fee cashing out


Ok that’s still highway robbery and I understand now what you guys were referencing earlier about these topshots printing money just having a marketplace open.

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Colby White 3 Pointer - #1503 - $69

Steal and nice.


When I bought my house back in 2016 I found several unopened packs of Garbage Pail Kids cards dated 1986in the attic. How much are they worth?

No bites on my 6969 middleton priced at a low low price of 569$


and then

they said



cursed gifs itt

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Get that bad juju out of here! This is the thread of happiness and prosperity.


Less than the ones on Wax?

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6969 price might be better


Damn i wanted that Lavine 3 pointer bad. #27 listed for minbid, wow


All of my other low serial have sold fairly quickly but besides one guy early this morning no one is buying the low Capelas.

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This guy is having a fire sale, but im too hesitant to snag his 1xxx moments because he has so many he could actually tank the price

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Seems normal to me right now. I’m liquidating my lower value cards and going to try to flip some higher level stuff when I get home from work tonight. Doing this shit on a phone is not ideal… Really tempted to sell the Zion 7500 too


You know, it would be insanely risky, but I wonder if you could cause a selloff and profit from it. For example ladder down by $5 with your 5 digit serials, and try to scoop up a bunch of low digits serials in the panic. Not sure if it would work or not, but that’s actually what I thought the account was trying to do at first (quickly realized they were just burning money though)

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Wouldnt be that risky if you did it the smart way i.e colluding with a group of accounts to manipulate the market. I think it would be kind of sharp to do this with some of these.


Yeah, it’s not that the bubble will pop and everything will crater (i mean it might but that’s separate) it’s that there’s so much selling pressure a correction might be due. The guy with the account worth 88mm will decide 69mm is also nice too.

Basically this only applies to playing those risky scalps buying cards for 3 and 4 figures.