tabbaker's takes

What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with?

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If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?

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Bruce no Z :astonished:

Hot take: these are way overdoing it. There are bad cheap ice cream sandwiches, but a good version of the regular kind with a good plain vanilla ice cream is better than most of the fancy ones. I feel gross thinking about some salted caramel monstrosity I once had that looked like one of those.


Biscuits are meant to be had with hot tea not ice cream!

Tea is disgusting. Drink an actual beverage or water.

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How about coffee flavored water?

Coffee is for the weak. Be tired and miserable like the rest of us you cheaters.

I need coffee just to be tired and miserable

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There is two different types of cheap ice cream sandwiches. The one where the “soft” chocolate melts easily is solid, the one where “soft” chocolate doesn’t melt easy is garbage.

Melts or just just kind of smushes? But yeah, any like really solid “chocolate” part that doesn’t leave your fingers messy is bad.

yeah I meant more of just smushes, any good cheap ice cream sandwich should leave your fingers messy

tabbaker’s [sic] takes the means of production

The only time you should buy cheap ice cream is if you have kids who want it and you’re trying to watch your weight. Yuk.

Buffalo from Buffalo that buffalo other buffalo.


What baking, exactly, is Tab doing anyways?



He’s roasting us all by showing he could have been reasonable all along. The greats play the long game.