Suzzerwalrus Reveal Thread


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I have a new Spotify IDE annoyance that’s way more breaking than double play buttons. When I type stuff in the search bar now, the “autocomplete” disables my keyboard and I have to click back in the search box to type more letters.

Example: Say I want Kansas for some reason and I type “KA”. Before I can finish typing Spotify is like “You want KANYE WEST???” and loads all of his artist links.

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At least they fixed this within one day. I also learned today that they have a dedicated Linux client so they’ll probably be taking my money again.

@suzzer99 We can haz reveal this weekend?

I was literally just coming here to post, yeah let’s do this thing tomorrow.

Since I clearly botched this category 8 ways from Sunday, I’ve recruited a guest judge who definitely knows his epic anthems. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out who it is.

Tune in 11ish Pacific Time tomorrow!



Ok I woke up, ate breakfast and was laying around like “I think I’m supposed to be doing something”, and then it hit me. We are on in one hour. This is not a drill. All systems go. Set your phasers for stun. A stitch in time saves nine. Lighting only strikes skin deep. etc.


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I’ve gone commando for the big reveal.

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Fully expecting a 1 here.

You’re only halfway home. How many bags of potting soil do you have in the garage?


I knew holding onto my Tonka trucks for 45 years would eventually pay dividends!

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I think I have the “dick in the dirt” part down but nothing else.

All right let’s do this. My guest judge has graciously agreed to rank each song and give his review mostly in meme and gif form. I tried to tell him the rules of the game but he came back with:

Ok then. Everyone meet Carl Brutananadilewski - who definitely knows how to rock. Carl, would you like to say a few words?


All right, let’s get right to the ChrisV honorary Imodium.


I’m fucked here. My first entry rocked but Carl ain’t gonna understand my Mulligan

#12 - Elton John - Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirty Cowboy

Is this an anthem? I don’t know. I could describe it as Elton John’s autobiographical personal anthem, I suppose.

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Awesome, another Captain I hadn’t thought of yet.

#11 - All Fired Up - Pat Benatar

I’m not sure if my definition of anthem is different than yours, but to me it’s something with that big arena sound and a catchy hook. This is one of her lesser known songs, but sub in “Invincible” or “Love is a Battlefield” if you want, you can’t deny that she sang some of the best rock anthems of the 80’s.

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I’ve always hated Elton John but I do have a sneaking admiration for that song title.

I managed to listen to 45 seconds before I turned it off

#10 - Primal Scream - Come Together
(Replacement for Primal Scream - Rocks)

You were on the right track with replacing Primal Scream.

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I’m happily going to manage zero seconds of Pat Benetar