Summer LC thread

I have a bunch of crap I don’t use being a music dude. Every time I need to hook up my ipad to a TV though I’m fucked. I’ve never bought an adaptor yet.




LMAO Klobuchar just told a story where the punchline was, “God is lazy. I will work seven days a week!”

Any language Einsteins want to tell us the difference between being “interviewed,” “take questions from,” and “sit down with”? lol


*edit. Poor Beto will merely “appear” :cry:

There is also sometimes an issue with how comfortable the workforce in general is with using the tools required to work remotely. Like I have to actively participate in a ton of meetings and generally just Skype in, share my desktop when I need to, etc. and to me it’s no problem and I feel like I’m just as productive as if I was in the conference room with the team. But certain people can’t figure out how to set up Skype meetings, refuse to add Skype links to their meeting invites, or forget to open the Skype meeting for people that are working remotely.

This shouldn’t be an issue at a company like Google, but who knows.

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There’s your problem. j/k idk anything about Apple stuff. Except they seem undemocratic.

It’s someone who doesn’t want to see a straight line that looks like a form letter. They all mean exactly the same thing.

for those of you who don’t hate sen collins enough, this from of all places, fox news

so the story is some unnamed of course republican offered to flake out and vote no on kav if collins would go along with it and then they’d go to the next nominee but ofc collins went LOL to that.

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Rachel played that tonight, should go ‘viral’ or ‘virus’ or something…

I doubt the replacement would be any better. Maybe Kavanaugh will drink himself to death by age 65.


Maybe Ben Shapiro is a deepfake AI bot?

I’ve posted before about the moral panic around sex trafficking and the deliberate conflation of sex trafficking with simple prostitution by law enforcement and other groups in order to suit their agendas. Well, the governor of Illinois recently signed into law a bill which “requires hotels and motels to train employees to recognize, observe and report human trafficking”. So that sounds good. But wait. How does one recognize “human trafficking”?

According to RAASE’s [Rockford Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation] lead advocate, Brittney Fry, those red flags include, “lots of traffic in a room, so in and out, paying in cash, so it’s unidentifiable who is renting the room, and a lot of the time, sex trafficking is paired with drug use.”

Uhhh. Like maybe this RAASE group is legit and knows what they’re doing. But that sounds a hell of a lot like vanilla prostitution to me.

I’ve often wondered if you could open all the doors at once to say a Drury Inn in a semi-sketchy neighborhood at 2am on a Saturday night - how much freaky shit you would see.

I think you’d see mostly sadness


They call leaving water for people in the desert “human trafficking”.

Probably not nearly as much, but porn too.

Marine climate is goat.

Probably nothing new to most people here but solid article about the Candace owens grift.