Summer LC thread

Yeah, by “not very good at science” I mean like not counting women’s teeth. I also understand he thought things floated based solely on shape and not material - something that is very easy to test. I don’t mean just that he was wrong. Newton was wrong about how fast a ball goes if you are running and then throw it, but the error was undetectable at the time.

Well that’s me told I guess, lol.

Also, crediting Aristotle with the invention of science is a great man fallacy (not really a fallacy, but you know what I mean). Pretty much everyone ever who made technological innovations did science. People who developed making cheese certainly did science. People who created and refined spears did science. Whether the great thinkers were a cause of the advancement of technology or their thinking was the result of the collective advancement of technology is not clear and certainly cause and effect goes both ways.

While I have some sympathy for this view, it’s important to realize how significant Aristotle was in the history of science. Many of his works named their respective fields. Here’s a list of Works of Aristotle from Wiki, with particularly significant works in bold.

Pages in category “Works by Aristotle”
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).

Corpus Aristotelicum
Categories (Aristotle)
Constitution of the Athenians (Aristotle)
De Interpretatione
Economics (Aristotle)
Eudemian Ethics
Generation of Animals
History of Animals
Magna Moralia
Mechanics (Aristotle)
Metaphysics (Aristotle)
Meteorology (Aristotle)
Movement of Animals
Nicomachean Ethics
On Breath
On Divination in Sleep
On Dreams
On Generation and Corruption
On Indivisible Lines
On Length and Shortness of Life
On Memory
On Sleep
On the Heavens
On the Soul
On Things Heard
On Virtues and Vices
On Youth, Old Age, Life and Death, and Respiration
Parts of Animals
Parva Naturalia
Physics (Aristotle)
Poetics (Aristotle)
Politics (Aristotle)
Posterior Analytics
Prior Analytics
Problems (Aristotle)
Progression of Animals
Protrepticus (Aristotle)
Rhetoric (Aristotle)
Sense and Sensibilia (Aristotle)
The Situations and Names of Winds
Sophistical Refutations
Topics (Aristotle)

I take your point, but imo naming entire fields is the very stuff of low-hanging fruit.

Blurring the distinction between vagrancy laws and panhandling laws is very bad. It’s hard to construct an argument for making it illegal not to have a place to sleep. I’m not sure it’s actually a good idea, but it’s a lot easier to see the case for making it mildly illegal to hassle people for money.


Some places have made laws about “aggressive panhandling”. It’s in the eye of the beholder obviously, but you can try to differentiate between something that just offends people’s sensibilities (not wanting to look at people doing something they don’t like) and something objectively resembling being hassled.

Must dissent, you are conflating craftsmanship/engineering with science. Science is ~ finding good explanations for patterns of nature, not about making stuff work. People have known how to make beer for 7,000 years, but Pasteur explained the chemistry of it.

Dissent to the dissent. Most people making beer are/were just craftsmen, but some of the progress is due to science. Some of this is chance (so is some of modern science), but some people definitely had theories, conducted experiments, and evaluated the results along the way.

This is Scott’s distinction between metis/episteme. I think it is very fair to argue that Aristotle played a big role in launching a certain kind of science/world-investigation (based on summarizing facts, theorizing, logical investigation, etc.), but it’s also true that there’s a different kind of science/world-investigation (based on cultural transmission and local practices) that is also very important and has a much broader history.

[quote]Science is ~ finding good explanations for patterns of nature

Sorta disagree. An essential part of science is doing controlled experiments. This is why Aristotle had some many absurd ideas about how the physical world worked and I wouldn’t call him a scientist. I think Galileo was among the first to really use the scientific metho.


He fixed it


It’s pretty easy to make the case that folks shouldn’t be permitted to camp out on the public sidewalks and in public parks. Those places aren’t designed for that and it impacts their usability for non homeless people. But just like it would probably be preferable to make all drugs totally legal rather than lock folks with drug problems in prison, it is better to not throw people in jail for not having a place to sleep. But just like writing off and ignoring people with heroin addictions (but at least not arresting them) is still bad public policy, not actually doing anything to help homeless people while letting them sleep wherever isn’t good public policy.

Just heard my rental app was accepted for a place on the sand in Seal Beach. I’ll be paying too much ($3700/mo), and it’s a dumb move if the market doesn’t go down over the next 2 years, but I’m pretty stoked. It’s more of a rugged beach pad than most of the highly upgraded stuff that’s available these days in So. Cal. I think they had like 6 applications, but the landlady liked me and I got her out of a parking ticket (by telling the cop she was showing the property). So, in two weeks I’ll be posting from the sand.


Time to relocate. Moving to a neighboring state. Anyone have tips for cheap, no-hassle, short-term housing while I find an apt? Like for a few weeks to months. I’d sleep in my car but not sure how safe that is. I feel like this isn’t as unrelated to the current topic as I would like.

Lol following simplicitus with this.

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A couple of times when I’ve moved I’ve found a state park nearby and pitched my tent for a week or two. Pretty cheap and relaxing, go to the library to apartment hunt and whatnot.

Don’t underestimate the power of zillow and other online forums for looking for housing these days. Sure, it’s nice to see places in person, but I wasn’t surprised by any place I physically toured. They looked like the 15 posted pictures. 12 years ago I had to find a dicy place on craigslist and sign a yr lease, sight unseen.

I don’t thinking sleeping in your car is especially dangerous for an adult male. It’s slightly more dangerous of you’re not white or can’t speak middle-class+ English because the people most likely to fuck with you are the police. State Park camping is a good idea. You can sometimes find very good rates on airbnb.

Where are you moving? Couch surfing? I think the closest Unstucker should put you up?

Yeah, that worries me. I’m thinking month to month, a small place, nothing fancy.

@keed, maybe except idk anything about camping. You just drive in and pick a random spot?

@micro I wouldn’t ask anyone here to do that. Going back to SLC area bc generally cheaper and my stuff is stored there. Most everyone I knew is gone now except for one person but not going to ask for more than a night. I could pass for white if I stay out of the sun long enough but that’s not really a worry.

Depends on the campground. But you can either look it up online, or pretty much all state campgrounds will have the rules and procedural shit at a kiosk where you enter.

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