Summer LC thread

Civil discourse!

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This is true, and I strongly disagree with his views. However, he’s not some bitch that will abandon or staunch his worldview just because it would be convenient in light of president clown.

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I don’t see how keeping his mouth shut would be “convenient.” This act he and his wife have going is probably optimal for them in that they claim to be on the winning side no matter what–just like Jarvanka will try to do. If the fascists take over they lean on her work for Trump and downplay his tweets as merely mild objections to the worst of Trump’s personal foibles… and his wife runs for President. If progressives take over they big up his tweets as Heroic Resistance and retcon Kellyanne as chief internal Secret Resistance leader.

Everything I’ve seen suggests he hates his wife. There’s no plan for one to be 100% pro Trump and the other 100% anti and that somehow magically cancels out. They already own a $10M home. I doubt they’re willing to live some way they don’t want to so they can someday afford an $11M home.

Weather, and hurricanes in particular, are just so damn fascinating to me.

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Slippery slope. It starts with denying rightfully reserved picnic structures to the KKK. Next thing you know it’s [unclear].

I’m no fan of the KKK. But I am an indefatigable advocate for park reservation integrity. Therefore I am reluctantly forced to side with racists yet again due to insufferable SJW behavior. Unlike the unhinged left, I am bound by logic and reason.


Why are these random ANTIFA groups besting the alt right at every turn. Mentally, physically? It is crazy.


White people have a right to EXIST!

I don’t know why they bother with projected hurricane models that are almost always completely wrong several days before it’s supposed to hit. The path it’s on now was the most likely one odds wise in the first place. oh right media doesn’t get people watching unless YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIEEEEE

Again, it’s just a weird sex thing. Try not to think about it.

Can’t not think about it now. He has a leather fetish?

idk how everyone keeps up with the popular threads!

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Tips for the modern man

Just eyeballing it but the % of people men or women wearing headphones who want to be approached is 0, literally


From comments on the Tweet, someone pointed out that they used this picture to illustrate the article:


Woman definitely looks very comfortable and like she was glad this dude approached her. Definitely NOT thinking about the probability of surviving should she need to jump over the railing to escape.

I could see a moral case for slugging somebody in the face or tasering them if you’re wearing headphones and they’re gesturing for you to take them off for a non-emergency conversation

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Well, also from comments, someone said a girl at work told them a dude pulled out one of her earbuds on the train one time in order to talk to her, which I’m pretty sure is grounds for justifiable homicide.

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Lazy people of color