Summer LC thread

He’s a stupider, less insightful, more entitled, more punchable David Brooks.

But again, the outrage isn’t all that. It’s the NYT presenting this asshole, who represents the views of like 500 people in Manhattan, as representative of the GOP. The people who actually show up to vote republican are, incredibly, about 100x as offensive and stupid as Bret Stephens.

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Apparently Richard Pryor Jr was allegedly molested by Paul Mooney. Another person on my list that I cannot enjoy anymore.

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I’m definitely madder at the NYT than at Stephens. If my neighbour’s dog shits on my lawn, I am going to blame my neighbour, not the dog. I hope Jews haven’t been compared to dogs at some point or whatever, I’d hate to be doing tropes.

I find genuine pieces of shit more tolerable than guys like Stephens. Give Joe Arpaio a column. Just some genuinely evil motherfuckers. Stephens isn’t really in line for the guillotine. I would just sincerely like him to go away. Please just stop writing words which the internet then has to discuss. It’s very annoying.

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Everyone knew a post quitting twitter meltdown article was coming. We all knew this. But, you’re right. The NYT deserves the blame in this. The editor sucked! That piece should have been rejected outright. You can’t print that kind of grievance piece in a school newspaper.

The worst part in the piece was saying the Russian invasion of Poland was as bad as the German invasion though. Just hundreds of thousands of fewer casualties.

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(that) Mike Godwin weighs in


“World War II and the Ingredients of Slaughter”

Lol is this for real. Couple gets 15k because Air Canada didnt treat French like English. We must have no problems in this world if we can waste our time with garbage like that.

This is one of those really poorly reported stories meant to evoke outrage in people who like to say things like “PC culture has gone to far”.

We have a Charter which guarantees equality to English and French. This case is no different than those in the US like the cake maker who denied a gay couple.

We protect our rights by testing them at their limits. That is how we find the boundaries.

No its different. They are not being denied service.
My main problem is that people sue because of that. Its like the Montreal media who still wants french speaking people leading the Montreal Canadiens no matter the credentials.
They are also tying up valuable resources because courts get jammed. Not sure how its in Canada but in Germany and from what I read in the USA as well courts are overladen.
For me its a common sense thing or I just tolerate more than others.

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Richie Riches over here with two $230 TVs.


And not even a queen bed.



Remember George Conway is Mr. Federalist Society, totally on board with all their “originalist” bullshit, next time he wants to play good guy on twitter



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These fucking guys man. My science/logic/reason - “Oooh you compared me to a slaver! Wahhh! I feel faint”.

The whole damn point of the article is that “facts, reason, and civil discourse” aren’t really any of those things when used as a weapon by a side that demands them. And clearly slavers did not have science on their side - even though they claimed to. But no let’s invent a strawman to freak out about. Pure reason in action.

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