Summer LC thread


Russian authorities said traces of a radioactive isotope were detected in the body of a doctor who treated victims of a deadly blast at a remote military facility. They insisted, however, that his irradiation had nothing to do with the explosion.

Instead, mushrooms, fish, lichens or seaweed were the likely sources of the Cesium-137 found in the man’s muscle tissue, according to officials in the Arkhangelsk region. The Federal Medical and Biological Agency had concluded with “a fair degree of probability” that he absorbed the material linked to nuclear fission in his food, according to a statement on the regional government’s website.

The statement adds to controversy over the Aug. 8 incident involving the weapons test on an offshore platform in the White Sea. Radiation levels in the nearby port city of Severodvinsk spiked as high as 16 times normal immediately after the blast, which the state meteorological service said was due to a radioactive cloud, although it didn’t identify any source. City officials who first reported the spike deleted the statement from their website shortly after.

On second thought we can keep the internet for now.


The human chain stretched across the city. Photograph: Ann Wang/Reuters

It is, but my memory sucks so apologies if I butcher some things from it.

David ran for VP as a Libertarian, but Charles was always the dominant demon spawn and one gets the feeling David was just following orders. The way Charles could get a bunch of multi-billionaires into a room and convince them to mobilize their fortunes for the sole benefit of the Koch environmental deregulation campaign is as impressive as it is sinister.

All the “funds PBS” is largely bullshit, as far as any indication of having a conscience. The super-wealthy started those foundations as a tax dodge. The government said they could avoid estate taxes if they put the money into foundations for X years (20?) At least they did some good by funding the arts and such, but in recent decades they’ve learned how to funnel that money to political organizations under the label of public good.

I looked this up expecting them to have gotten some petty fine, was pleasantly surprised to read

In 1999, a Texas jury found that negligence had led to the rupture of the Koch pipeline and awarded the victims’ families $296 million.

Edit by Smacc_25 :ok_hand:

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Why can’t I stop watching this?

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Well now I look like an ass, I was joking about the movie Us.

Post withdrawn by Smacc_25

Because it’s insanely awesome

My response to hearing about a Koch brothers dying:

What just gave me a chuckle is the thought of how many notification icons the TrumpBot account probably has. And how many of them are just direct replies of people saying “fuck you” and “jfc this idiot”


daaaamn, reuters. :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Frontline Goat

That cat that narrates the documentaries has the greatest voice for that job

38 seasons of Frontline are available for free at their website

trippin’ on this one tonight

They hire 2 Asian hotties, and under the guise of employing them to conduct pranks for a TV show, have them brazenly administer this extremely lethal nerve agent to their target. Fully captured on video.

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Has me rethinking Epstein errrrrrrr

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Got paid from a settlement, having a cocktail, thinking of hitting Commerce for poker. Seems like a good idea. May get killed by variance while 1-tabling.

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TID, boss!

have a great weekend, everyone! :slight_smile:

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Alcohol doesn’t only make the opposite sex look better; it does the same for music. I just listened to this song, which would not happen sober.