Summer LC thread


Carl’s Jr/Hardees, In-n-Out, Chick-fil-A, Jimmy John’s

Any FF chain not started/run by conservatives?

Mom and pop places/petty bourgeois are mostly the same.

I don’t know what Dave Thomas’s political beliefs were but he seemed like a decent enough guy.

Makes you think. (not the actual Magic Johnson btw)

Speaking of the actual Magic Johnson and FF, at one point he owned like 2500 Burger Kings.

Yea his wiki doesn’t have much about his political beliefs, but this is pretty cool:

Thomas, realizing that his success as a high school dropout might convince other teenagers to quit school (something he later claimed was a mistake), became a student at Coconut Creek High School. He earned a GED in 1993.

(he was ~61 years old in 1993)

Still, fuck Jimmy Johns.

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I mean, people who have $500K in the bank are more likely to buy a $1M home and put like $70-100K down or something. People definitely misuse credit and make poor decisions due to a lack of education on financial issues (I think there should be a mandatory personal economics course as part of every high school curriculum), but in many cases it’s a better move to buy a new car or buy a home than buy a used car or rent a home.

FYI the Kochs almost certainly have a plan to ensure their money continues to destroy the country long after they are gone, like this nut job lady:


Deutsche Bank has agreed to pay a $16m (£13m) fine to US authorities overallegations that it hired unqualified relatives of powerful Russian and Chinese government officials to win business.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleged that Germany’s largest lender had used false books to record the hirings, which meant the relatives – known in China as “princelings” – did not have to go through rigorous interview processes.

In one case, the son of an executive from a Russian state-owned company was transferred from Moscow to London but failed to turn up to work, cheated in an exam and was described as a liability.

This is 100% standard in the banking business. The international arms of most investment banks are riddled with princelings who exist to use their family connections to drive business to the banks.

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Probably just me, but eyebrow raising calling her “environmental-minded” right up front. Like she did donate to some environmental causes, but other stuff too. There’s something in the air trying to make eco-fascism a thing.

Her brother, Richard Mellon Scaife, was one of the biggest Dark Money guys.

Eco fascism IS a thing right now. That’s because you can snare youngs with the eco part. This is how all extremist organizations recruit: find something real that people are unhappy about and then graft your crazy onto that as the only solution.

That doesn’t make eco evil by itself and this is very much a flavor of the month recruiting strat for right wing nutcases. The eco is the delivery method and the fascism is the thing being delivered to put it another way.

Typical liberal media framing an innocent non racist woman.

She insisted she was not “against blacks” but went on to say: “A husband and wife need to be the same race … That’s how it’s been [since] … God created the heaven and the earth. He created Adam and Eve at the same time.”

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I don’t think it is. I think if you go to all the right wing anti-democracy anti-immigrant racist antisemitic you’ll find <.001% of the time spent on environmental concerns and if you go to every primarily environmentalist organization in the country you’ll find less than <.1% at all sympathetic to fascism.

It’s bullshit imo.

And this may just be me, but I’m afraid it’s something that the DemE types are going to use to try to paint progressives as dangerous radicals or as we see often enough - “you’re just like the Trump of the left”.

Comparing your available liquid cash with the purchase price of a house is possibly dumber than just comparing your rental payment to your mortgage payment. It’s less dumb than thinking of your house as an “investment” or rent as “throwing money away”, but that’s a low bar. The analysis is:

Rental payment ? Interest + insurance + taxes + regular maintenance - tax benefits

If the rental payment is higher, then you should own if feasible in your circumstances. If it’s lower, rent unless you are consciously willing to spend more to be a homeowner.

They should be embarrassed to settle for $13 million for this. It would honestly be less shameful to go to court and lose than to collect $13 million from DB.

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socialist monopoly triggered some libs out there

E-40 said it best. Why would you buy an $80k car if you don’t own a house? What this guy is saying makes no sense.

No, stupid. You should never borrow money ever under any circumstances. Pay rent or be homeless until you can afford the entire house. Walk or take the bus until you can afford a car. That’s what all rich people did when they were starting out and why they’re better than you now.

Why is this so complicated people?

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