Summer LC thread

How deplorable is Eastwood? I loved a lot of his movies but cringe watching them now. There’s a lot of messed up shit in them.

He’s probably moderately deplorable, but not as bad as you’d expect him to be. I don’t think he could do certain subjects as well as he does being a true deplorable.

I’ve always hated his politics, but really generally love how he directs movies (I don’t watch his war movies or anything like that).

I guess his most successful role from a box office POV was in Disney’s Hercules.

I am currently re-playing GTA San Andreas in which Woods has a voice part.

Voices don’t count.

“We’re really in a (expletive) generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells,” Eastwood said. “We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist.”

Eastwood was born in 1930, more than three decades before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 10 years after women were granted the right to vote in the United States.

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I think really good voice work counts. I’ve never seen Hercules, but Roger Ebert compared Woods’ work to Robin Williams in Aladdin. I’m sure some people rank Williams as the Genie as one of his top five performances in a movie.

Are you guys forgetting Clint’s empty chair routine at the Republican convention in 2012?


I’m like barely Jewish at all (dad grew up reformed and turned some weird messianic hybrid in his 20s… exactly as gross as it sounds) but I’m officially mind blown. What the actual actual fuck is this.

[quote=“Devil, post:1141, topic:41, full:true”]
How deplorable is Eastwood? I loved a lot of his movies but cringe watching them now.[/quote]

Very? Dirty Harry is some straight-up fascist shit. I mean he works in Hollywood so he doesn’t say the N-word out loud and has friends who are minorities, but he’s basically your average angry old white guy.

I wish Dvaut was here because he could make a great tl;dr post on this material, but Eastwood is sort of the Boomer version of John Wayne, an iconic symbol of his generation’s masculinity. The key difference is that we won WWII and lost Vietnam, so Clint manifests as a kind of angry emasculated anti-hero. Instead of the confident good guy cowboy riding off in the sunset he’s the anti-hero tough guy gunslinger or the cop who breaks rules. There’s simmering anger in all of his roles that we might recognize as being akin to today’s incel movement.

I’ll say I am a huge fan of his anti-hero Westerns. This is something white guys like me are going to struggle with for a long time, learning that a lot of our beloved pop culture comes from some pretty sketchy places. Like, I enjoy H.P. Lovecraft, but, ugh, there’s some toxic shit there. Ditto for J.R.R. Tolkein and even Shakespeare.

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How did we lose dvaut in the transition? Someone get him over here.

Dvaut has a history of disappearing for long periods of time and had been inactive for months before all the drama went down in April.

Onion. No, Stormfront.

It’s possible he’ll show up again and see WN’s disaster forum and not even know about this place.

I keep saying everyone is ultimately disappointing but somehow haven’t really internalized it because it’s still a shock, example after example.

There is a pet theory I have (it’s not actually my theory it’s in a book I’m too lazy to dig up). Which is that to understand America right now you have to understand that the Boomer generation is the first in American history to lose a war. Like these guys saw their Greatest Generation fathers storm Normandy beach and liberate the world and then when it was their turn to go to war they lost to some dickhole 3rd world nation. I’m not putting downor blaming the people who fought, let me be clear, let me be absolutely clear. Those guys were heroic, decent men fighting a fundamentally unwinnable conflict. I 100% respect those guys.

But you can understand the frustration, the anger, the lack off confidence that brews under these circumstances. I think a lot of American politics right now can be viewed through a lens of this crisis of masculinity among the Boomer generation. This translates into a long-simmering anger at government, at young people who aren’t manly enough (by god, they’re dying their hair blue and respecting transgender rights!). The need to worship AR-15s, the civilian versions of the M-4s that were deployed in Vietnam. Just the general need to express an angry dominance over weaker people in our culture, whether they be LGBT college students or minorities or immigrants or what have you.


Mine already has them (Tarrant).

DPS just writing tickets for misdemeanor possession now though because many DAs not prosecuting.(dps is highway patrol in Texas)

[quote=“Trolly, post:1149, topic:41, full:true”]

I think he’s ok with Asians. Gran Torino portrayed the Hmongs in a pretty positive light and even called out the US for bombing Cambodia.

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Dvaut historically goes on months-long breaks when politics is depressing, but I don’t think he’s ever been gone this long before. Also, I don’t think he checks his DMs so he’s lost for good unless anyone knows another way to contact him.

No idea what you’re talking about.

I would scratch “among the Boomer generation” there. Much of the alt-right has its genesis in crisis of masculinity as well.

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