Summer LC thread

I’ve heard this. Big if actually true. I halfway expect my county to go ahead and buy the machines to test MJ.

i just saw an article on Now/This that the state police have officially instructed their officers to not arrest anyone for low level marijuana effective today. they will still cite people but it’s unlikely they would be able to prove the content if pushed.

He was more versatile in the 90s. Most people would have considered him a very good actor in his prime. But, yeah, he’s basically an asshole playing himself now (if he can even get parts anymore as I haven’t checked).

As a fun fact, I’ve done work for a lot of movies, but he’s only been in one of those (Cat’s Eye). Not sure how I managed to avoid such a prolific actor.

Obv I don’t know what’s in his heart but I read an article less than a week ago saying he’s become a massive Dem donor in recent years

Not too many well-known people to choose from that are from Rhode Island. Gotta play the cards you’re dealt.

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I don’t consider anyone to be a liberal until I hear them speak out on economic issues. There are plenty of libertarian-ish people who support progressive social stances, but aren’t liberals on capitalism and the role of government.

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Someone please post this to lol at JV. tia

to much surprise, he already posted the doctored bus photos and the ones without the white nationalists having the hammer.

Hard to believe that Israel has an actual Hitler sympathizer running things but why not

Has James Woods even had a big role in a movie that was a huge success? I can’t think of any.

He’s now essentially a supporting character actor, so I’m going to guess no (a cursory look at some of his movies show them as low grossers). He has gotten 2 Oscar nominations, one for playing a horrific racist (the other was for leading role in an Oliver Stone movie called Salvador). After his recent real life work, not sure the Oscar nom for the racist was deserved because he was probably playing pretty close to himself.

He was nominated for 8 Emmy awards, 5 of which were leads, 2 were wins.

What’s with the general James Woods brouhaha on 2p2 and to an extent even here. I literally didn’t know who he was (as an actor) until some movies were referenced (which I hadnt seen). Was he that big of a fish at poker? Seems like a garden variety deplorable to me.

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He was a respected actor until 9/11. He said some questionable stuff then, but no one gave it much of a thought because he hadn’t really talked politically about anything (if he said now what he said then, no one would take him seriously because of who he is now). He later became a raging Muslim hater (I haven’t followed his hate arc, but I think that was part of it), and morphed into the guy he is now. Twitter essentially exposed the real him, and I think that became popular in 2008 or so, can’t remember.

I was somewhat in the L.A. poker scene when he was making his ‘mark’. I used to hear people talking about him all the time any time I played in a tournament at Commerce. I don’t know if he was any good (I think he ended up at my table in one tournament, by contrast, I probably played at the same table as Jerry Buss maybe 3 or 4 times). I think he liked talking to people back then (this was probably 2006-2008), and people supposedly enjoyed when he was at the table. These same sorts of people who talked positively about him constantly ragged on Morris Chestnut as a broke guy who essentially ‘scammed’ a bunch of people into backing him (if I remember correctly).

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Once upon a time in America.

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That made a little over 5 million bux.

Don’t get me wrong, but he ain’t no Clint Eastwood. I actually enjoyed many of his movies.

He has 2 Oscar noms, while Clint Eastwood only has one acting nom. So he’d probably agree with you that he’s no Clint Eastwood.

Woods is a great actor but horrible human. See Casino for his best work.

I just assume he’s Lester Diamond irl, seems accurate