Summer LC thread

U.S. Makes New Push for Graphic Warning Labels on Cigarettes

discourse autoformats the onion but not bloomberg? c’mon

1st fight he’s won in 3 years

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Looks cool, but pretty weak use of a question mark in the title. Low energy film-maker afraid of a provocative title!

Hoop Dreams?
Super Size Me?

lol at any of those titles

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Question mark in headline always means the answer is no.


Man on Wire?

Burden of Dreams!!!

Who Framed Roger Rabit!

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(in the replies)
Talibangicals - a new word to me but it works.

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Regarding closings for letters, today I left a note on the window of my parking neighbor, who has a habit of boxing me in so I can’t get in the driver’s door, even though he has sufficient room to park further away (he’s next to a column, so has additional room on his driver’s side).

Well, my letter opened with “Dear Idiot,” and closed with “Eat a Dick, [Simplicitus]”.

I felt that someone should make the effort to explain to the guy with in a 4x4 SUV with a Dartmouth bumper sticker that living in society sometimes requires consideration of others.

ew Dartmouth

Make sure to check your car for key marks.

I’ve been meaning to leave a note, but today I was hungry and physically boxed in and could not leave. I’m moving tomorrow and decided it was a bridge worth burning, if only for the next guy and the rest of humanity that has to deal with this idiot’s parking.

As part of my ongoing coverage of “Australia: Will it kill you?” I present to you this story about a freak goanna attack.

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Why is a freak goanna attack? Because it’s Australia.

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