Summer LC thread

Who could have predicted that fencers would lead the way?

[insert joke about fencers and gun control]


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BODMAS says -17 now lol


This felt compulsive

LOL IDK. I suck at math. I just used PEDMAS. Seems obvious so I’m sure I’m missing something and the real answer is like 844.

LOL at the reporter trying to ask a follow up. Like he actually thought, “Got him! I’ll criticize him for not responding on a human level, he won’t know what to say!”

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Who knew there were so many Mike Pence stans?

Armstrong suckin doorknobs to get in good with Hollywood obv he wants to be in movies

use fucking parenthesis to make your intention clear.

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The suspected gunman in an attack on a mosque in Norway on Saturday was inspired by recent white extremist attacks in New Zealand and the US, online posts suggest.

Police in Norway have so far only said the attack in Baerum, a town 20km from Oslo, the capital, will be investigated as a possible act of terrorism.

Russia has accused YouTube of spreading information on unsanctioned opposition protests, calling recent push notifications from the US-based company interference in Russia’s sovereign affairs.

Roskomnadzor, the Russian communications watchdog, said on Sunday that it had sent a letter to Google, YouTube’s parent company, complaining that users had received push notifications “sharing information about unsanctioned mass events, including those aimed at disrupting elections.” Unsanctioned effectively means illegal.

The statement came a day after Russia’s opposition held its largest demonstration in years, when 50,000 people rallied in Moscow to call for fair elections to the city council. Opposition candidates have been systematically disqualified from the race.

The rally was sanctioned by the government, but more than 130 people were later detained by riot police as they moved toward Russia’s presidential administration.

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this meme is offensive to the memory of einstein

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That’s an amazing tweet.

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