Summer LC thread

livestreaming mass shootings from a scope view. ugh

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You did the right thing man. It was a trap!


Oliver brilliantly tackled the filibuster last night. Worth a watch.

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But I was told all the important people are leaving California in droves due to their sky high taxes and various infestations e.g., MS-13…

Yea the plague of homeless shitting on the street in SF. lol Righties would turn down free vacations to some of the greatest cities in the world.

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They really would. Probably like 70% of Trump voters, if not more, would turn down a free trip to San Francisco or New York.

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There was a guy on ChifesPlanet a while ago who had to go to London on a business trip and he was terrified that he was going to get assaulted by Muslims in a no-go zone so he stayed in his hotel room the whole time. It was amazing.

I repeat myself a lot, but brings to mind mongidig from 2p2 who posted about a no-go zone in San Diego and then next time I was in SD I went there with my daughter and found the best Mexican restaurant I’ve ever been to.

That very adventurous daughter traveled around France by herself last year and spent a week or so at an air-bnb with a Muslim family in one of those suburbs of Paris.


Yup, or London, anywhere in Sweden, etc… And probably Greenland out of spite that they won’t be sold to Daddy.

When I was an undergrad at U-Mich, my pothead Lebanese landlord would get stoned and drive me out to the No-Go Zone in Dearborn, Michigan for dinner. They give you so much fucking food that you can get a to-go box and just live off that shit for two days. It;s like part of the culture that restaurants give you more food than you can ever possibly eat, which is a godsend for university students. And I didn’t even get beheaded, not even once, those were some great times.

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By the way, on this topic it’s kind of amazing what has happened due to decades of propaganda. Like, I bet you could connect the dots from the pushing of “America is the greatest country in the world,” mantra from both political parties and the idea that nobody else even comes close to people not wanting to travel outside America as much anymore… That leads to an ability to push this kinda nonsense, which leads to people being even MORE scared to travel anywhere else…

Over decades the cultural views and worldview of Americans changes so much, and all in part because a huge chunk of the population has no (or virtually no) firsthand experience outside the US.

My mom, lifelong Democrat and Trump hater, is of the America is not just the greatest country, but really the only country where people can be free generation. She pretty much thinks the US is the only country in the world where you can say what you think and not get sent to prison for it.

Right, and it’s not like America isn’t one of the greatest places in the world to have lived in my lifetime (I’m 33), but a huge chunk of our population thinks it would be absolutely terrible to move to like France, the UK, Canada, etc… Which is horrible for our political discourse.

I had this misfortune of listening to Glenn Beck the other day while he claimed that London was unrecognizable from 10 years ago and made the literal claim that half the women walking on the street wear burkas.

No I’m not kidding.

Ok Meghan McCain is a ■■■■■ That is all.


Reminds me of the unchained folk telling me about the dangers of Muslim majority countries for women. Somehow i took the word of my sisters experience raising two daughters in one over them.

Who would of thought Pamela would turn out so awesome. She should run for a political office.

Democracy is hard work. And as society’s “elites”—experts and public figures who help those around them navigate the heavy responsibilities that come with self-rule—have increasingly been sidelined, citizens have proved ill equipped cognitively and emotionally to run a well-functioning democracy. As a consequence, the center has collapsed and millions of frustrated and angst-filled voters have turned in desperation to right-wing populists.

His prediction? “In well-established democracies like the United States, democratic governance will continue its inexorable decline and will eventually fail.”

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