Summer LC thread

So I guess Discourse was a big hit for the debate thread? I got home from the golf course, got some takeout from my favorite Mexican spot here in town and loaded it up to see 800+ unread messages… That’s going to be tough to catch up on lol…

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It was easy to catch up! I woke up here in Europe, grabbed a coffee, and then just scrolled away. Thanks to everyone in that thread for the insights, takes, and laughs.

Also, love this software and can’t wait to start being able to use my phone. One question: am I crazy or do tweets not always appear correctly? I feel like sometimes I can’t see the embedded vid or gif in the posted tweets or do they just look different than I’m used to?


Tweets are weird, some show the picture/video just fine and others have a link or something instead, it probably has to do with how the original tweet is set up.

Former US President Ronald Reagan described African delegates to the UN as “monkeys”, in newly-unearthed tapes published by a US magazine.

He made the comment in a 1971 telephone call with then-President Richard Nixon…

He said: “To see those… monkeys from those African countries - damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!”

Mr Nixon, who quit as president in 1974, can then be heard laughing.

Might be an old vs new thing from when the embedded format was changed.

Good morning,

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They’re more in tune because they’re making it worse.

Hot take on local NPR: <10 years to PAC12 affiliated “Reefer Bowl”.

Live from the table, which is apparently SoCal’s deplorable central, two old white guys were soooo confused by Mayor Pete being asked about his husband. One genuinely thought that made Pete a wife and that there was always a husband and wife in gay couples. The other said no he thinks they’re both called husbands, and the first guy sat there with a contemplative look on his face for a good 10-15 seconds…

If they’re both the husband… who cleans the house?


Up next: do I really think a woman could actually be president and, like, do the job?

Uhhh, yeah.

But this guy thinks that other leaders won’t respect a woman. I say Germany seems to be doing fine with Merkel. Someone says they think she is a man in drag, to soften their remark somewhat and make it forum-safe.

The other guy gets back on topic and says there’s no way Putin will respect a woman or “a black.”

I ask him if he wants to let Putin pick our president and he shrugs and says people already think that anyway.

Nothing like a Trump supporter criticizing the Dems for having women running on the grounds that they won’t stand up to Putin. That’s a special level of cognitive dissonance.

Where the heck are you playing? Lake Elsinore?

Haha no, never been there although I hear good things about the PLO and was trying to swing through on this trip - never made it. I’m up in Ventura for the day, got a buddy up here and getting a little poker in.

Why the fuck are we cutting interest rates in this economy?

Cuz Trump’s still going broke after all his emoluments from his poor credit interest rates.

He’s also losing his ability to brag about 3% GDP growth and how easy it is.