Summer LC thread

Uber and Lyft already cost basically as much as a cab with tip.

Still more convenient for anything except leaving the airport. But it might not be long before we actually pay more than a cab for that convenience - if this employee thing goes through - which is fine with me but may crush them as companies.

I was surprised by how much Uber/Lyft cost in the bay area, much more than the cost anywhere else I’ve been. If they cost the same in SoCal as they do in the bay area, just know that the rest of the country essentially gets them for half of that.

Yeah, renting a 3 br 2 ba house. It’s one of those little rinky dink, cookie cutter 3 br, 1 ba homes that are literally everywhere (and selling for ~1.1 milly in these parts, lol), except this one has been mercifully renovated to have a pretty nice en suite master bath, and a walk in closet. $3600/mo, lol

No they aren’t “the left wing”, though they are somewhat left of the Conservative party. They position themselves pretty much at the centre of the Overton window ie they have no real political credo whatsoever, other than not to be the other two parties.

The left wing party traditionally is the Labour party (as I know you know), though hardly left wing at all from Blair until Corbyn.

The Liberal parties you cite are classical Liberals in the sense of being free trade and laissez faire, and thus tend to be right wing: they want a small welfare state because the poor are people who suck at life and are undeserving of assistance.

Please vote in the Spidercrab for Treasurer/Admin poll! (located in About Unstuck)

I rented a nice one-bedroom a block from the beach for 10 years (until 2014) for $975/month. South Redondo has super affordable rents, but that was below market.

My friend paid $2400 for a huge 2-bdrm on the beach with picture window.

Brock Turner is trending again. Can we get one last “lolikes” for old times?

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One advantage of Baltimore is that it’s relatively cheap to live in. Wife and I bought a moderately sized 2 BR 2.5bath last year for under 200k. It’s in an improving neighborhood that’s got a lot of development money being poured in at the fringes from Hopkins and other big local players, which seems like a good spot to live in value wise.

We don’t plan on moving any time soon so hopefully the impending economic doom won’t be too painful.

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So you agree with the idea of downsizing but not the actual act of downsizing?

Just remember that if you put the newspapers in paper bags you can stack them higher…

Wish that was true in Minneapolis, I probably would have kept renting. Haven’t looked at apartments in years but a nice 1 BR in the city is probably at least $1500 and maybe closer to $2k

It’s really strange that so many people can run the numbers and conclude that they are better off in the Bay Area. It makes sense that the VC industry and tech founders have to be there and make zillions of dollars for doing so, but for run-of-the-mill software engineers, is the benefit really that large? It’s not like tech companies can’t have engineers work in different cities (and they do!). I assume that people know what they’re talking about, but I just can’t understand how some “middle-class” dude making 250k in the Bay Area is better off than someone making 150k in a non-housing-crisis city, especially after you account for California taxes.

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FAANG engineers make $300-400k (maybe more?) assuming the stock doesn’t tank.

I friend of mine worked for Google and they were pretty insistent about him not only being there, but being in the Google office (actually worked out of Yahoo building, but for Google proper) for at least 8hrs. I guess that was partly because of his level and he asked to be demoted to a lower level because he wanted to be home with his family sometimes. He ended up quitting and moving to rural Wisconsin.

There are plenty of us who know it’s not worth living here but because it’s where we’re from we’re sort of trapped. Splitting an apartment with another couple in our early 30’s so our rent is “only” $1100 a month is pretty shitty.


But isn’t it more useful to try to get money for them? Or to donate them to Goodwill or something, so that somebody who is more in need can benefit from them? Seems like either of these options is the way to go.

That said, I’m basically like you - I have boxes full of stuff that in theory I could use someday but 99% of it will never be used. The proof is that, if I let them sit in storage at my parents’ place for months, I never use any of it. I’m trying to make myself go through it and donate/sell/trash as much as possible before this move. I know I’m happier and more peaceful when my place isn’t cluttered, so this is an investment of time in creating a clutter-free home that will make me more happy and peaceful, and maybe I pick up a few bucks or donate some stuff to charity in the process.

That’s crazy. I was paying $2400 for a 1 br in new building in Santa Monica at the time, about 5 blocks from the shore, and commuting to downtown. Pretty nice pad, with a great balcony, but I couldn’t see the ocean. I was kind of a fish apartment hunter at the time and the online options were still poor. I got tired of being in traffic, so I moved to a 2br highrise apt complex across the street from work. That was a pretty dumb move. It was easy to get to work, but I didn’t have much else going on. I spent most of my free time playing online poker. This time I looked for around 2 months. I didn’t think I’d get the place on the sand (only one available for under $4500, and one of the few that are available at all) and was touring other places as well.

A friend of mine was living with his teacher wife in 2003 in a cheap apt near the 405 in Santa Monica. They barely managed to buy in Sherman Oaks in like 2003 for around $400k. Now that place is worth 900k and he rents it out. He paid $1.2M in 2014 for a secluded ranch home in Tarzana, and that place is now worth $1.5M. He plans to retire early. However, he’s a personable CPA/MBA and has been pulling down $300+k in senior jobs are big companies. Another friend bought a rebuild in Redondo in like 2005 for $800k, which is probably worth 1.2 now. I’ve moved around so much that this is the first time I’m really thinking of buying, but the market is high and I ain’t gonna be able to buy on the beach, so I figure I’ll get the experience for a year or two, hope the market tanks, and maybe I’ll be able to grift an old widow out of her land. :)

Everyone needs to cull their box of cables. Get it down to like 4 spare cables. They sell em for $5-10 on amazon if you ever need them, which you won’t.

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