Strategic Failings of the Democratic Party: Where Complicity Meets Ineptitude

I don’t dislike him, but don’t really agree with your enthusiasm. If he’s so charismatic then I guess he’ll keep moving up in the polls. I don’t think I’m really going to find myself compelled to take a deep look at anyone who isn’t even close to top tier in the polls.

6th place and rising fast. To be clear Mayor Pete is in 5th place.

He’s an AOC level political candidate, and you don’t have to believe that for it to be true. He’ll win you over himself.

Did have a good friend who was a major Bernie supporter last cycle go to one of his appearances in Portland and report back he was all in and hadn’t felt like that since Bernie 2016. At the time I thought it was kind of weird and out of character for my friend but I am warming somewhat to Yang. He is definitely still tier 2 with Pete for me after Warren/Bernie (in that order).

Def warming to Yang (to be clear: fuck Tulsi Gabbard) but he’s going to be fucked hard by the “MSM” and I doubt he can get through that.

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Interesting discussion. The Dems had an opportunity to nominate an unorthodox candidate in Sanders, but they actively undermined him in favor of the establishment choice. And they’re poised now to nominate a centrist relic at their very next opportunity lol. They’ve learned absolutely nothing and deserve whatever happens in 2020. If Trump can be elected, so can Yang, Warren, Sanders and Williamson lol

There’s something admirable in the attitude and resultant mobilization needed to elect an outsider, even though exhibit A of this experiment is a total zero. The Dems deserve to lose in perpetuity until they offer a radical alternative to the focus-group-approved, safely packaged politician.


I think Warren is in a good spot to just run away with the whole thing. Right now what matters is Iowa and NH and she’s got a formidable lead there and is running a spectacular campaign. Even this recent news cycle where she brought up the Native American Ancestry thing was actually kind of genius. She’s inoculating herself as much as she can. Americans will forget all about something a candidate has honestly atoned for.

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I’d love to see it. Her nomination alone would restore an optimism.

Dude she is such a fucking savage at this running for office nonsense. Her stump speech is warm, relatable, and tightly coiled. It doesn’t really matter where you come into it, she’s a good enough story teller that she grabs you and takes you along. She’s like the super hero version of the best teacher in any random public school. People have been conditioned their whole lives to like, respect, and obey someone who looks and sounds just like her. We’ve all got a mental image of the ideal public school teacher. That’s literally Warren.

And her campaign is extremely well run. Her ad purchasing choices are strong, she’s raising money well, and she’s not raising it from lobbyists. She’s putting on a clinic basically.

I’d be busy talking about how Yang has this thing if it weren’t Warren he was trying to catch. She’s fast af.

And her vs Trump is going to be downright comedic given the fact that he’s basically demented at this point.

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lol amen, bro

She’s not running for teacher of the year, though. She’s running for President, and, whether we like it or not, we all also have a mental image of “President,” and Warren is not that. I agree that she is running a great campaign, I just hope it’s enough to cut through some pretty strong headwinds.

What polls are you looking at to claim that she’s got a formidable lead in Iowa and NH?

I looked here: Iowa : President: Democratic primary Polls | FiveThirtyEight
and she does have a lead in two of the latest polls but they’s rated C+ and C-. Biden has a lead in the last two A+ and B polls.

Then in NH: New Hampshire : President: Democratic primary Polls | FiveThirtyEight
Warren is running 3rd in most polls behind Bernie and Biden.

I would love to see her as the front runner, but your optimism seems unwarranted based on the polls.

Yeah, her campaign has been the best by far. Biden has gotten lucky that Sanders,who started in a great position, hasn’t really done all that much to gain support. Warren has gained a ton of support but was starting from 0.

Fair enough. I hadn’t noticed that the polls showing Warren building a lead were of low quality. I think her trajectory justifies quite a bit of optimism, especially since Biden and Bernie are trending in the opposite direction generally.

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Thinking of showing up to this with “IMPEACH OR GTFO” signs but probably wont make it inside.

His fb post was nauseating. Self congratulatory bs about how bi-partisan he is. Gag.

Just say the report said ‘collusion’ and ‘obstruction’, search for the words, and post page numbers with it. He’ll never read it. Chessmate.

But it comes from a biased source, obviously. Chessmate right back at us.

Tell him Mueller was trying to clear him, so he was biased…in his favor. Chestmat.

The ship has sailed on that narrative being anywhere near something he’d believe. He’s all-in on the right wing conspiracy shit. To paint the picture of this guy’s intelligence level, he’s a flat earther.

In a way, it’s reassuring, because he’s a semi-professional poker player who can beat most 2/5 games I think. In other words, there’s a long way to go before poker is dead.


I thought the rage is that QAnon people say Mueller’s working with Trump to take down pedophiles or something. Is he a QAnon guy?

I don’t think he’s a QAnoner, but probably more from a lack of exposure than realizing it’s nonsense.

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