lol the evolution of chessmate itt
I’m hoping it can somehow morph into Chesney
Like my bro and I used to call each other greaseball or Grecian… now it’s just, ‘Yo, grease, what’s up?’
lol the evolution of chessmate itt
I’m hoping it can somehow morph into Chesney
Like my bro and I used to call each other greaseball or Grecian… now it’s just, ‘Yo, grease, what’s up?’
End of weekend, time for a drunken rant, one which I know I have ranted on exiled, but this keeps growing
Fuck you fucking Chuck Schumer for thinking Amy McGrath is the fucking answer for beating Moscow Mitch.
She fucking lost a congressional race in KY-6 which included Lexington, so now she is supposed to beat Moscow Mitch in a state ride race.
But yeah she is raising fucking millions of dollars. Because everyone wants Moscow Mitch gone. Sure she has a good initial video or 2, but that is exactly what she fucking had for her congressional race.
I’m almost willing to let it chill at this point and be fine with her.
Look fuck I’m voting against Mitch no matter what.
Her biggest threat in a primary is Matt Jones.
He is a Duke law school grad who did law work before happening onto a KY sports radio gig. He is extremely popular…is considering a run just because he thinks Mitch needs to go…and Amy got him fired from his TV show just out of spite because of him considering running
I mean I’ll vote Amy if I have to
But holy fucking shit Democratic Party
You are forcing me to vote a loser candidate, who got my favorite TV show host fired, because he was considering running against Mitch.
Fuck you DNC
WARNING! Pure personal venting to follow:
I saw a tweet yesterday that enraged me to my core
This isn’t about candidates, elections, or even Trump. It’s about what strategies elected Dems need to use once in office and how they should politic.
It’s no secret that Republicans don’t fight fair. They have shown over and over again their willingness to use every underhanded deceitful ploy possible to defeat the opposition and advance their cause. I’ve seen some look upon this with an almost admirable twinkle saying Republicans know how to fight and win! If not, they’ll look down on Dems saying we’re stupid and don’t know how to win, when in fact, the two parties at best, are playing by a different set of rules, and at worst, are engaged in completely different games
One of the bigger issues for me is how the GOP quite literally stole a SCOTUS seat! I don’t have to insult anyone’s intelligence by pointing out just how big of a deal this is considering it’s a lifetime appointment that will affect an entire generation of Americans. What to do about this? If/when Dems regain control, do we expand the number of SCOTUS seats? I’m not a lawyer and don’t know if it would require an amendment to the constitution or what, but I see no other way to make up for this. One thing’s for sure. THIS CANNOT STAND! We cannot let the GOP just get away with what they’ve done here!
Another huge issue is gerrymandering. Is it time for Dems at local levels to engage in this practice as well? I’m sure Dems currently do this to some extent and maybe I’m ignorant from living in my own leftist bubble, but I hear much more about how Republicans engage in this practice.
I’d also like to see and talk about any list of laws Dems need to change. Some that immediately come to my mind are: Eliminating the electoral college, Citizens United, and voter ID laws. Making tax returns for presidential candidates mandatory. And maybe even undergo a mental health evaluation?
I’m sure there are many, many more things with the biggest elephant in the room being how Republicans look the other way as a lawless president breaks every presidential norm and standard of decency imaginable. It’s not that they like Trump. It’s that they’re willing to do anything and ignore any injustice if it will advance their cause
My question is if/when we do gain power, what should our strategy be when it comes to governing? Should Dems start playing dirty? Should they start governing the way Republicans do? Dems currently control the house and it seems to me they’re still not using their power as effectively as they could if they were willing to be as underhanded as Republicans. They still seem to be “going by the book”. This president is a career money launderer and lifetime crook. You can’t tell me they can’t come up with a single piece of concrete evidence (his tax returns?) to expose this, or bring any one of the numerous possible charges of emolument clause violations, etc. It seems they should be able to make life much harder on Trump and the republicans than they are (although I understand the senate might be a more important body to control)
Anyway, how should Dems politic going forward? What are some of the things we can or should do to level out the playing field? Is it time to start fighting dirty? Or can we really achieve our objectives by continuing to play by the rules and using butter knives in what has so obviously become a gun fight?
Kyrsten Sinema doesn’t really fit in with her fellow Senate Democrats. Don’t even ask her whether she watches the Democratic presidential debates.
“I’m not missing anything. I prefer happiness,” Sinema declares in a 25-minute interview, a rare extended conversation with an outlet not based in Arizona. “Look how happy I am.”
Sinema has long cultivated a bipartisan posture. But her support for Donald Trump nominees like Attorney General William Barr and her lack of zeal for impeachment are part of a political profile drawing blowback from progressives and cheers from the GOP.
Yet Sinema is also setting herself up to be a pivotal vote the next time the Democrats are in power. And her radical breed of centrism could be a headache for the party.
Take the liberal drive to bust down age-old Senate rules in order to pass “Medicare for All” or a “Green New Deal.” Sinema not only opposes getting rid of the 60-vote filibuster threshold for legislation, she wants to restore the supermajority requirement for presidential nominees that has been weakened by both parties.
“They will not get my vote on [nuking the filibuster],” Sinema said in her office, outfitted with shiny leather and translucent chairs and boasting a vivid shade of purple that pops from the walls. “In fact, whether I’m in the majority or the minority I would always vote to reinstate the protections for the minority. … It is the right thing for the country.”
Yet her record speaks for itself. She voted for Barr and Interior Secretary David Bernhardt and opposed attempts to roll back the Trump administration’s coal deregulation regime earlier this month.
She spends at least as much time on the Republican side of the chamber as the Democratic half and lists Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas as an ally atop the Commerce Committee’s Aviation and Space subcommittee. Cruz returned the favor by declining to lump the Arizona Democrat in with what he sees as an increasingly socialist Democratic Party.
She’s currently uncommitted in McSally’s campaign against Democrat Mark Kelly and has no plans to weigh in. She said her constituents “don’t care” about endorsements.
“Ironman’s pretty badass. It’s awesome,” she responded when asked if she got any criticism for skipping town for New Zealand just two months into her term.
Less awesome, in her view, is the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. And with her party fixated on beating both McSally and Trump in Arizona, Sinema’s endorsement or even guidance for candidates about how to win there could be key.
But that’s not something she’s interested in, either. She even said it’s “premature” to commit to supporting her own party’s nominee at this point and indicated it could be months before she tunes into a debate.
Good God.
Low info voter turned senator.
Hopefully President Warren/Sanders puts the screws to Sinema to pressure her into supporting the agenda, and if not, sees to it that she gets a healthy primary challenge.
I’m most worried by her support for the filibuster. Raises the number of Senate seats we need to hold to 52 minimum, but possibly more. I could easily see this spot requiring 54-55… and to be clear without killing the filibuster it really doesn’t matter because we’ve already lost.
And then of course in 2024 we’ll be up against Hitler Hitler and he’s going to mop the floor with us. This really is a shitty timeline
This is why just responding to polls, without doing anything to move opinion, is a terrible strategy:
Hahahaha you sweet summer child.