Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

Why can people not just take the W? It’s just unambiguously great news that “low-skilled” people can earn an excellent wage. Physically demanding, unpleasant jobs that are really important to the economy ARE the “good jobs” that people are always nostalgic before. These are the jobs ambitious people who are born with few privileges take so that they can provide for their family and raise kids who have the chance to go to a decent school and attend college and who are sick of hearing how hard their mom/dad worked to give them opportunities. This is the path to the world you want.


A lie can travel around the world before the truth has put its shoes on…

I’m shocked that the press is spreading an anti union lie.shocked.

working for ups is still better than fedex I hear


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Uncle was a UPS driver way back in the 70s & early 80s I believe. Was a physical guy, but the demand of the physical labor took its toll on him and he ultimately sought out another line of work.

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I don’t really know what this means other than AMC stock is going to the moon!

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I am guessing a reverse split means that the price of a single share will go up by 10X. The Reddit clowns are going to lose their minds.

Why the fuck is there no AC in UPS trucks

Possibly (just a guess) because they drive around with the door wide open the whole time

Or maybe they drive around with the door open BECAUSE there’s no AC

Probably some bean counter in a nice air conditioned office figured out the company can save a hundred grand a month in fuel costs by preventing drivers from using the AC


I’ve heard UPS drivers don’t make left turns because the company hates the Dems


Yup, massive dilution from the APE conversion and then even more to take place after the reverse split. Also the AMC and APE prices still haven’t converged, which they would have done immediately after the court approval in an efficient market. Redditors are still buying/holding AMC shares even though an APE share buys you the same stake of the company for 4/7 the price. If the conversion were to happen today without a reverse split, the AMC share price would snap to the low/mid 2’s from the explanations I’ve seen.

So while AMC already plummeted recently from $5.25 to $3.50 on the news, it’s still about to fall much more.

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I remember my mommy would always yell at me if I opened a window inside the house while the AC was running

Then one day I realized she has a 6 fig salary and the 50 cents in extra electricity costs doesn’t outweigh the fact that sometimes you are coming in and out of the balcony or just want fresh air for a few minutes, so I told her to fuck off



One of my friends said his parents won’t run the air conditioning on a hot day while they watch the grandkids, which caused several fights between them.

Not because they’re cheap, but because their monthly power bill has an efficient power usage score on a scale of 0-100, and they didn’t want that to drop by using more power in the day time.


On the one hand, as someone whose parents don’t help with the kids, they should be grateful for what they can get and not fight about the details. On the other hand that is both believable and hilariously illustrative of the power of gamification.

Why don’t grandparents just watch the kids at parents house and crank up the AC there?

They probably just don’t want to waste energy. Remember when Obama got raked over the coals for suggesting we should limit AC use

I knew what it all meant, but was roleplaying.

Lol IPO’s

The company sells putters.


Lol wat, I’ve never heard of them and I’m a golfer.

Wait their revenue in 2022 was only $190k? What kind of scam is this