Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

I have a friend who worked for them. That “union standoff” shit in EVERY headline really pisses him off.

The “union” stuff was the Teamsters getting pissy about the company not paying for promised benefits. Yet those headlines always frame it as “hurr durr the union drove them out of business, get it?”

He and his co-workers took at massive pay cut back in 09 to keep the company afloat, then it got $700MM from the government during Covid. It was horribly managed and management killed it, full stop. Fuckers.


Illinois learned over half of their covid relief money went straight to fraud and unemployment ended up being that too by billions and every other state similar. What a mess.

All the hard workers making min wage and we got so many crooks just getting sent whatever.

Literal, prisoners, dead people, babies, just straight up if you asked them they probably sent it. Lol us honest people.


At crooks I thought you meant rich people, but then you said prisoners and babies so I’m confused. What’s wrong with prisoners and babies getting money? That’s how we should have done it in the first place, give literally fucking everyone money and then tax it back from the rich



Also, we should still do this.


You can confiscate all of it and it’s still not enough for what people demand at this point.

Such a massive change in mindset from the old ways where it was very gov’t hands off everything or they got upset now we got it wrong but too many people screwing the system and getting away with it so idk why you all want to just make that worse. In the end that’s all it’s gonna be. It always is.

I still don’t know who you’re talking about. Are the people screwing the system and getting away with it the politicians and wealthy? I don’t think it’s the prisoners and babies that’s for sure

So, Uber had a profitable quarter?

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The FGators Graph but for multi billion dollar corporations


VC is the rakeback/FPPs in this comparison? Ya, I think so. At least each funding round ends up being like moving up a status ranking.

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I can’t figure out if we are still in the covid restaurant phase where we should be supporting our local restaurants so they don’t go out of business or if they are doing the pass on inflation costs + 25% extra for ourselves trick. Some of these places are getting a bit silly now. $19 for a takeaway cuban sandwich?

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some of the ones near me are starting to add a mandatory 10% gratuity on takeout orders lol. but i think its more down to restaurants being a bad business model than it is greed, they have rising labor costs, rising rents, rising food costs and uber/doordash taking their cuts to deal with, restaurants were already a bad business model before covid but i think inflation is starting to expose that even more. They are able to get away with it now because the economy is doing well, unemployment is still sitting at 3% so people like you and me will bitch about their $20 sandwich but continue to go back because it still doesn’t materially impact our lives. at the first sign of recession/job losses its going to be a lot harder for people to justify paying these prices and i think a lot of these places are going to start going out of business.

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Like if we have a really bad recession and people start cutting $20 sandwiches out of their budget what do you think is the more likely scenario:

A) they lower their prices to $16 to try to attract customers back to their restaurant

or B) they simply go out of business because they cannot operate profitably at a $16 price point.

I think B is the way more likely scenario. On the other hand there are certainly other businesses like car dealerships that are just plain greedy and could definitely operate just fine at a lower price point if they were really forced to.

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Restaurants are pretty much an endangered species now. I don’t see them cycling down in price and staying around like they would in a normal economy. They should instead just raise their price to $24 and see what happens which is what they are pretty much doing now with their $20 sandwiches because $16 is still overpriced.

Penn is up 20% after hours after giving Barstool back to Portnoy for free and paying ESPN $2B to run their new sportsbook called ESPN BET. Kinda sucks that gambling has completely taken over the sports industry. Two seconds left in the game, score is 28-27 the kicker is -150 to make it go to ESPN BET now and get your bets in. Did he make the kick? who cares we make money either way.

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They are giving Biden credit for this labor union actually using its leverage to get a better deal?

Everyone on this board is more responsible, Amazon packages need to be delivered

Hey Biden also helped rail employees get back to work. Pro labor Joe!

That particular one does come to mind but it had to be a tough spot to be in.

Can’t read the article so maybe their point about Joe has nothing to do with this particular union.

I’ve been following this one closely and at first glance it looks like a win but I will read more about it this afternoon during lunch

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I mean, Biden has done good things for labor. This stands out as a big deal (I’ve recently developed an interest in multiemployer pension plans):