Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

Only “approaching”? Hopefully we can get back to delinquency rates of the good old days by firing up student loan payments.


so, guess what my 2nd biggest position is

DG Dollar General

price is right losing horn (nice efficient markets where a simple store stock can just go a straight arrow down on one report)

I am still up on that overall for now thanks to also mostly old (but I did buy some since oof those are negative) but the stock gods giveth and they taketh away

Still more fun than just throwing it into index funds. Still beating said funds overall thanks to one stock I admit it so there’s that.

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You probably know this from investing, but a favorite bit of trivia of mine is that there are more Dollar General stores in the US than there are McDonald’s or Starbucks. Blew my tiny mind.

nah, I knew that from living in a small town. They put one up everywhere and it’s why I bought. (I didn’t notice they may have saturated; that is where you sell, there’s always a big pullback because the market really only cares about perceived potential and growth) There is no starbucks anywhere within hours of driving around me. I know of more subways in small towns than mcd’s.

I feel bad for those working there cause that and the pay has to suck, the food there sucks, but as a consumer you can get various household things you don’t have to drive to the nearest bigger city to get. I do go there because of that; saves gas and time so maybe it’s a positive overall for society idk. Prices are generally cheapest you can find if they have it.

I’d say they’re a net positive, save for the unlikely scenario where they’re literally putting better retailers out of business.

also in dumb luck news

so I had something in a TD Ameritrade account from a long time ago I couldn’t get into cause somewhere I lost the info and I started it so old they didn’t have the information to get in so I actually had given up. It’s not the same e-mail as my schwab but they figured it out. Pro tip, don’t literally set and forget it for many years.

Beat, I thought I had bought apple shares with the whole amount in there…in 2008 Turns out I did not or it didn’t go through. Would just be a small slice of a score but damnit.

I’ve plugged this podcast before since it is basically the topic of this thread… but today’s guest is a little interesting, especially because they usually trash her fund.

Are dollar geneals mostly in rural areas?I see some around my neighborhood in and urban area but I guess I felt if them as more of a rural chain.

I’m inquiring because I check up monthly in the casino revenues in Maryland. Out of the 6 three are in rural areas, one is in downtown Baltimore. And the other two are in solidly urban/suburban areas

Out f the six four were down significant year over year for the month of April. The three rural and downtown Baltimore. But the two suburban casinos, also the two with most revenue, were up significantly. So I’m wondering if this is indicating a trend where rural and inner city America is in a recession while the suburban parts are thriving?

It seems like I’ve driven through several Oregon coast towns where they have both Dollar General and Dollar Tree and a brand new mattress store (no customers ever) and that’s about it

They are everywhere, but they put one in every rural town they seemingly could so that’s how they are seen.

mattress stores have to be a front for some not exactly legal shit cause nobody is ever in them.

if it’s labeled furniture but they also sell mattresses it’s probably legit, but labeled big mattress store… There’s one near me that’s had a going out of business sale forever. the mattress side been probably a loser for awhile…

There is a place where I work in an urban area where dollar tree, dollar general and family dollar are all within a quarter mile of each other.

The newest “grocery store” is several miles away and the nearest Walmart is about six miles away. When people have limited transportation options they don’t have much choice.

Never used an app and have always hated food delivery–even Chinese or Pizza. Can’t explain why but just don’t want a stranger bringing fresh food to my doorstep.

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Japan is abound in 100-yen stores–in the big cities as well as rural areas–and it’s amazing the quality of items you can find in there. Typically the stores are clean, the service friendly, and the prices obviously unbeatable.

US has japanese Daiso stores, which is way better than the dollar chains.


wasnt there a guy on 2+2 involved with this shit? i think it’s like super high margin or something.

They must be. My mom works at a furniture store and most of their sales targets and bonuses are based on the number of mattress sales they’re able to initiate (they have mattress specialists closing those sales).