Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

Alec Baldwin has, as usual, shot his target center mass.

Obviously, HBO’s prestige matters way less than securing more viewership from the CSI fanbase.

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Not really sure what thread this belongs in, but this just came across my desk:

Why The CAPM Is Not Only Absurd But Also Absolute and Utter Nonsense: A Prime Example of the Blatant Naiveté, Stupidity, and Incompetence of Book Authors

This paper does not follow the normal outline of a peer-reviewed publication. It is “short and sweet” to just cover the basics. The paper tends to have the “flavor” of a tutorial. The paper begins by covering first principles, fundamentals, and definitions for least squares (LS) data fitting with a 1st degree polynomial applicable to the CAPM. It then addresses their application to the CAPM as described in reference [1] and shows numerous misunderstandings, errors, faulty notation, confusion, conflation, and utter nonsense. Corrections and appropriate least squares processing are presented with definitions, examples, and well established mathematical & statistical rules. Conclusion: The CAPM is not only absurd but also absolute and utter nonsense.


Is that an abstract or a referee report?

This is the abstract, but could easily be a referee report, too. Very self contained and meta.


I swear to fucking god I am just going to start fading this clown’s picks, all of them.

I just read an article by him the other day about something something recession buy medical stock blah blah pharma good recession proof blah blah fuck all.

I am looking at my IRA holdings right now. With the lone exception of DE, which I should have already dumped after their earnings jump, literally the only stocks I’ve bought since October that are in the red are Bristol-Myers, Cigna, CVS, Medtronic and Pfizer. Guy gets it just laughably polar-opposite wrong ALL the damned time and they keep putting him on TV and quoting him and acting like he’s fuckin JP Morgan or something. Unbelievable.

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I need to set up an emergency alert on my phone, or even automate a sell order, for when Cramer recommends Berkshire Hathaway.


I was about to say it would take balls to go long PLTR, but I checked and lol even that turd is up since Cramer trashed it a week ago. Better yet, googling tells me that in Sept of 2021 when it was trading around $24, Cramer called it a buy!

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The inverse Cramer ETF is pretty flat

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At this point two additional concepts must be introduced and explained. First, in tracking a target with radar, random measurement errors are known to be caused by what is called noise from antenna and receiver electronics.

They basically cover this in the first week of PhD-level asset pricing courses.

It makes a lot more sense if you picture this guy as Fletch when he’s giving the “it’s all ball bearings” explanation to the guys at the airport.


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I clicked on the link and noticed the author’s affiliation was “independent”


Can anyone upload papers to SSRN?

RIP regional banks

RIP investments. Can I put my IRA in this?


The 1 year Treasury yield is something like 4.6%. The 4.15% only seems high because we’re used to short term rates being 0.xx%.

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Doesn’t apple already have like a trillion dollars in cash that they have no idea what to do with?

Yeah and then I buy a 1-year treasury and you bond guys all start talking about negative yield and reverse basis and whatever and somehow I lose money.

I can wrap my head around a savings account.


That’s my question too. What are they going to do with this money?

Perhaps increase their lending portfolio. Would they start covering transactions from third parties for monthly payments like they do for apple products?

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The point is just that the “attractive” yield only seems attractive because we’re accustomed to markets where short term rates are much lower than they currently are.

Even in the crazy times I’d probably have been fine with a guaranteed 4.15%. I know I am going forward until I ride off into the sunset. But I doubt I can put my IRA in Apple Savings.