Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

Supported him financially? Probably - it says she’s a lawyer. Supported him like, “I’m glad he’s doing this and I’m encouraging it”? No.

He hasn’t traded on the app since.

Ms. Rodriguez is thrilled.

Sounds like losers are getting out imo

That’s exactly what an addiction looks like, if he was doing this betting on daily fantasy sports he’d be eligible for treatment. The halo of calling it “investing” is seriously misleading.


100% would tell people I made my money investing when playing poker all the time. No one batted an eye and a lot asked for hot tips. Poker was crazy though and always “but how much did you lose?”


I’d imagine that you’d have no shortage right now of folks willing to hop back into their favorite shit stock if it were to soar again. Eventually that money will be mostly gone but we aren’t there yet.

All things equal, we are overwhelmingly likely to not reach ATHs in the major indexes in 2023 and this will likely be the year of the beverending bull trap.

The meme stock craze was fueled by pandemic driven liquidity among the bottom half of the income distribution. That’s not happening again any time soon.

As for stonks, as always nobody knows anything and your best long term bet is to keep investing and tune out the noise.

Curious as to what data you have that leads you towards suggesting the poors were the meme stock investors? Or do you mean retail investors vs industry? Every meme stock investor I’ve heard of was a high earner or some rich kid living at home with their parents.

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AMC is almost back to $2 where I bought it the first time.

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I know you’re a long time watcher so thoughts on cinemas in general? Like as an industry? I’ve just noticed recently (was obviously happening before) that most of the films I was looking forward to (via seeing trailers on tv) were direct releases to streaming services. I actually enjoy the cinema experience but I can’t even see films there as they aren’t being shown!

Edit: maybe I’m an obscure film fan though, I haven’t seen a marvel film in ten years

Hopefully they stay solvent. I have the stubs subscription thing, works on imax/Dolby for no extra charge too. Local theater has a ton of indie films so I get a ton of value out of it.

Echo bubble/bear market rally imo but yeah, no new aths.

Or you can try learning a new skill and better yourself and know something, like that guy in the wsj article you were laughing at, but I get that not everybody is built the same.

I’d be more positive in the upcoming new year if there wasn’t so much money still sitting around in so many places with no purpose. Like 5 billion still sitting in GME, or 100 billion tied up in crypto that’s ranked below dogecoin. My belief is not that I think that If those particular areas of the market were to crash that ir would cause the broader market to tank as a result but that it is instead a sign of an irrational optimism that lingers in the market and that the market still benefits from it.

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I have no idea. I was just playing a hunch that there would be a rush of euphoria when covid was over, and articles saying stuff like “movies are back!” - and then I was going to exit.

But instead I woke up one day and my initial investment had 8x-ed. Practically pulled a muscle mashing the sell button. As it turned out I could have had 3x more on top of that (I sold at 18) if I had somehow lucked out and sold at the top.

Ah ok for some reason I thought you’d owned it during 2p2 times. Must of been someone else.

Man, I am really losing track of whether making money in the stock market is unethical shitlib malarkey or wholesome, true-leftist self-betterment. Maybe it’s just investing in passively managed index funds that is for villainous shitlibs?

my favorite theory called inverse the public says 2023 is going to be a great year for stocks

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Neither. It’s a desperation survival tactic, wherein the only viable alternative is to keep your hard-earned money in a savings account and watch helplessly as your purchasing power gets eaten away year after year.

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There’s blood in the streets

It all sucks? But that’s capitalism I guess. What can ya doo