Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

How many slices of cake to go could you buy with that 6k

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I don’t get it, can you expand/follow up? If its a joke, could you explain it?

there was massive retail demand for i-bonds recently so i would guess it is a sucker move

Theres something to this.

Hobbies or purchases that are a one off. Eg. Buying a car. Your happiness with it can only go down.

Hobbies or activities that involve constant refinement or mastery can continue to be rewarding.

Or. In cartoon form. Xkcd…500 pictures of Jo Biden eating a sandwich.


Is there a Canadian surrealist porn expert somewhere in UP?



With 750k a year I’d only have to work part time at the cobalt mine.

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The abject obscenity of even entertaining this conversation. It almost makes you forget this used to be a left leaning forum.

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It’s not that big a deal, mostly just maple syrup play and a lot of “beaver” inuendo.

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750k is less than a boiling oat runner makes :woman_shrugging:


Because people accurately describe how their lives would be better if they moved up the wealth latter? Ok then. Almost like you’re smashing buttons and have no idea what’s going on about anything really.

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Isn’t this where you’re supposed to pause and wait for the question to be answered? Then I could say something like, “no ikes, duh, obv the dumbass thoughts you thought are not the same thoughts I thought, come on now.”

@AngryQueer bump

Haha. The claims people get away with online are wild sometimes.

As it relates to the wealth-happiness relationship discussion, it’s a wealthy people problems example of how someone with more cash than they know what to do with could also be miffed at someone ordering a slice of cake to take home from a dinner out when they’re paying the bill.

I assume it’s a comparison to Marie Antoinette but it’s tough to say since your post simply seemed to be a commentary on the decreasing utility of money. A cake reference would be more appropriate if you thought modernizing your ceilings was more of a basic need that everyone should be doing but if anything you were saying the opposite. Still, my money is on a clunky attempt to suggest you should be donating your money to local mutual aid groups or something instead.

Damn, that’s a hell of a call back.

No, that would be too simple. It’s a reference to a deleted post grue made over a year ago because a key tenet of leftism is weaponizing any kind of personal information people post apparently.


Holy shit some people need to touch grass