Stonks & Bonds. lol fundamentals, sir this is a Taco Bell

When I was dead broke living in LA we used to drive to the Mexican grocery store, it was legitimately like 70% lower prices than Ralph’s or whatever.

I just do not fucking understand Zoom’s continued existence. Microsoft teams is virtually identical and is free to anyone who owns a PC. Who is paying for Zoom???

Wendy’s announced they are scrapping this hilariously bad idea

Fuckin DELL is mooning where are we 1997

You tell me? I do zoom calls from time to time. I haven’t paid anyone anything. Maybe the features I’m using are free?

That’s another thing, you don’t even have to buy it to get the basic functionality of it

Teams sucks imo. Companies pay for zoom

My company (a large global financial institution) used Zoom through the pandemic but have switched to using Teams for everything. For the most basic functions - joining a call, sharing screens - I don’t notice much difference.

I pay $35/mo to use for telehealth.

Zoom had the superior product several years ago when this stuff blew up and captured a large market share. Teams has caught up, but inertia is real and tons of people are willing to pay to use their platform.

You should correct that link…

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My wife works for a massive financial services company - they use Teams for chat and use Zoom for meetings.

I have to use practically all online meeting apps out there as the customer decides which one to use and I definitely prefer Zoom. Zoom is also our internal default. Teams and Webex are both less intuitive which means wasting more time with non technical people trying to share screens or files. But the worse thing about Teams is its comparison with Slack as a collaboration tool. I wish Salesforce had never bought Slack because now we are not allowed to use it anymore.
None of these tools are free for businesses by the way.

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Same. But Zoom is starting to die out within my firm, most are defaulting to Teams now

Remember 1-2 years ago (or maybe more, time is a big gray blob to me now) when inflation was rearing up for the first time since the 70s, and this was the doom and gloom thread?

And some of us were like “Well, yeah, I couldn’t certainly see how the market could be unsustainable and headed for calamity, but also the job market is still white hot, so who knows?”

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I remember a lot of criticism around the way Powell was handling inflation but i dont believe there was a whole lot or really very much sentiment at all in here that the stock market was headed for calamity - those are two different things imo. I think the general consensus was like inflation is definitely not transitory and its on the verge of getting out of control and Powell is not doing nearly enough to tame it but the stock market is measure in dollars and everything thats measured in dollars is going to infinity right now so your best chance at keeping up with inflation is to simply remain invested in the market.

NYCB (Regional Bank) down 60+% over the past two weeks as they are seeking capital infusions.

S&P at all time highs!

lol the bank is dying as Jerome speaks

I took a flier on a $2.50 put for NYCB dated 3.28 for $.32, it’s up almost 700% on today’s news

ETA the IV is literally one MILLION percent though so good luck finding a buyer right

trading halted on NYCB

Ever since 2008, there’s been a perpetual undercurrent of crypto-libertarian ideas that the economy is all a shell game being propped up by something something, and the house of cards will collapse eventually. When we finally experienced actual inflation (of the kind predicted for 15 years), some felt it was a sense of validation for their worldview.