Speeding and Traffic - Safe or Death?

Man I hope this guy is making it up because thats just fucking dumb and irresponsible for a person without advanced training and even trained its still dangerous. Doesn’t matter if the roads are empty.

Did you really just reply to a screenshot?

Lol going 80-90 on empty freeways requires special training now huh?

It’s literally the speed limit in a lot of places.

but not in Manhatten or Queens.

Tell me everything you know about “Manhatten”. Specifically, the completely wide open freeways that I drove every day during the peak of lockdown in NYC.

Lol - you’re seriously going after typos.

This is all I know about speed limits in New York

And if you want to be terrified, paramedics/emts have very little training in high speed driving. I’ve gone through the bronx at 120 on the Bronx River Parkway as a passenger in a flag car at like 2pm, which was terrifying. Would not recommend.

You got me officer, I drove faster than the speed limit on an empty road!

Ok I take it back.
Theres no end to your expertise. Can you fly a helicopter?

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buddy cruising 80-90 on an utterly empty freeway is not dangerous. Carry on.

Gotta be dangerous for the driver you’d think? I know the top limit anywhere in Australia, including roads where you don’t see another driver for hours, is 70ish mph.

The speed limit on I-95 in Maine is 70mph.

Who knew I was being a daredevil by sometimes driving 80+?


Top speed limit in Australia is 80 mph per the googles. Lots of roads in America have speed limits 70-80. Going 80-90 on those roads is very common.

To be fair, you originally didn’t say anything about the freeway, so I was picturing you flying up a deserted Broadway or Madison Avenue or whatever at 90mph which would be hilarious (but very dangerous).

If the stoplights are timed for 30mph, maybe 90 would work just as well?

Wow I’d be curious to know where. Definitely not in any state I’ve been too. I’d guess the literal desert then. 80mph is 128kph right? Most I’ve seen is 110kph (69.3mph) anywhere within even two hours of a population centre.

I was just in Arizona, speed limit was 75 in many spots. There were times I had to go 85 to stay in the flow of traffic.

can we remove the speeding conversation?

lol @ the speeding police. If you drive 75 on the highway in Texas you’re gonna have trucks and SUVs riding your ass the whole time.


I bicycled across Montana on Highway 2. It was typically dead straight, often no shoulder, no daytime speed limit. The cars passed close with no cares. When I got to North Dakota there was a speed limit (70?), the cars were going so much slower. 100+ had to be typical in Montana on 2.

They include state provided roadside crosses (descansos?) at every fatality site. There were so many of them.

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